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Vaccination contre le Covid-19 : 30 millions de personnes ont reçu leur première dose en France
Le seuil des 30 millions de personnes ayant été partiellement vaccinées en France a été atteint ce samedi 12 juin, quelques jours avant la date visée par l’exécutif.

« Marche des libertés » : à Paris, toute la gauche défile contre l’extrême droite dans une ambiance bon enfant
La « Marche des libertés » a rassemblé plusieurs milliers de personnes et s’est déroulée sans tension avec les forces de l’ordre. Seul incident : l’enfarinement de Jean-Luc Mélenchon, avant le départ du cortège.

Meet the internet sleuths tracking down the January 6 insurrectionists
The Deep State Dogs are just one group in a sprawling social media community dedicated to rooting out insurrectionists after January 6. Experts and members of the community describe it as diverse and diffuse but united by a common goal: Accountability. But their efforts are also a rebuttal to Republicans looking to whitewash the horrifying events of that January day.

Donald Trump was the swamp, suggests Chris Cuomo
When former Pres. Trump said he planned to drain the swamp, “he was lying” says Chris Cuomo on news the Trump’s DOJ targeted the data of Democratic lawmakers, their aides and families. “He added the most swamp dragons, the most alligators, he had the swampiest administration.”

Chicago police officer charged in connection to January 6 Capitol riot
A Chicago police officer was arrested at his home and is facing five federal misdemeanor charges in connection to the January 6 riot at the US Capitol in Washington.

What would you like to know about the history of transgender rights in America Discover how past and present generations of Black transgender women are speaking up for their rights on the season finale of #UnitedShades of America with W. Kamau Bell, Sunday at 10 p.m. ET/PT


See a classic typewriter made entirely of Legos
LEGO has gone back in time, launching a 2,079-piece model of the trusty typewriter -- complete with moving keys and carriage. The newly launched set, aimed at adult builders, was inspired by an idea from British LEGO fan Steve Guinness.

What mom and daughter did with 80,000 penny child support payment
A mother and daughter turned a negative into a positive after donating 80,000 pennies left on their front lawn by the father as the final child support payment.

What would you like to know about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s lives since their wedding day Hear their untold stories when CNN Special Report - Royal Revolution - Harry and Meghan premieres tonight at 8 p.m. ET


Massive e-waste sculpture of G7 leaders appears near summit site
The Mount Rushmore-style sculpture, made from discarded electronics, aims to highlight the growing e-waste on our planet.