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Bipartisan group of senators cuts deal to change election laws
A bipartisan group of senators reached a deal to make it harder to overturn a certified presidential election.

Senators expect GOP support to grow for same-sex marriage bill in bid to overcome filibuster
Senators said they expect a bill to codify same-sex marriage to eventually win the 60 votes needed to break a filibuster.

Federal investigation of Hunter Biden reaches critical juncture, sources say
The investigation is at a critical juncture, yet sources say no final decision has been made on whether to charge him.

The amount of Greenland ice that melted last weekend could cover West Virginia in a foot of water
Six billion tons of water per day melted off the ice sheet in northern Greenland this past weekend.

Former Trump White House aide who met with January 6 panel attacks witnesses, lawmakers in profane and sexist rant
Garrett Ziegler used vulgar and misogynistic language in the 27-minute livestream posted to Telegram.

Chinese Covid workers collapse on the job due to heat
Chinese state media videos show Covid workers collapsing on the job due to the scorching and suffocating heat wave.

Ivana Trump mourned at New York funeral
Mourners gathered to remember Ivana Trump, a businessperson and socialite and ex-wife of Donald Trump.

US Postal Service increases its electric vehicle order after blowback
The Postal Service said at least 40% of its new delivery vehicles will be electric, up from 10%, following a backlash.

Exclusivo: Volodymyr Zelensky critica a posição de neutralidade do presidente Bolsonaro na guerra
Em sua primeira entrevista a um veículo de imprensa da América Latina desde o início da guerra, o presidente da Ucrânia comparou a posição de Jair Bolsonaro à de líderes que ficaram neutros durante o início da Segunda Guerra Mundial

Imposto de Renda: a falta de correção da tabela e a inflação alta aumentam a tributação dos mais pobres
Um estudo do Sindicato Nacional dos Auditores Fiscais mostra que de 1996 até junho de 2022, a tabela do IR acumulou uma defasagem de mais de 147%