124865 pagine

The real reasons stores are closing in big cities | CNN Business
The real reasons stores are closing in big cities

How the nursing shortage may lead to gaps in sexual assault care | CNN
How the nursing shortage may lead to gaps in sexual assault care

Astronomers spot largest cosmic explosion ever witnessed | CNN
The event, still being detected by telescopes, occurred nearly 8 billion light-years away from Earth when the universe was about 6 billion years old

Elon Musk names NBCU ad chief Linda Yaccarino as Twitter CEO | CNN Business
Elon Musk, who has had a chaotic reign as "Chief Twit," says he has found a new CEO to take over the job

Dolly Parton pays emotional tribute to Loretta Lynn and Naomi Judd at 2023 ACM Awards | CNN
Dolly Parton took a moment during the 2023 ACM Awards to remember two of her friends

Qing dynasty jars bought for $25 at thrift store could fetch over $60,000 | CNN
A pair of jars purchased as part of a batch of ceramics from a London thrift store for £20 ($25) actually date back to the 18th century Qing dynasty and could sell for up to £50,000 ($62,700)

Two fishermen accused of stuffing fish with weights during a tournament sentenced to jail | CNN
The fishermen will each serve 10 days in jail and six months’ probation, according to court documents

Adidas will sell Yeezy shoes after all | CNN Business
Adidas has decided what it’s going to do with its unsold Yeezy merchandise

Who did you discover through SoundCloud? Look back on how today’s music superstars rose to fame in unexpected ways in a new episode of the CNN Original Series #2010sCNN. Sunday at 9 p.m. ET/PT


This lab achieved a stunning breakthrough on fusion energy | CNN
The race is on to prove limitless, clean energy is possible from nuclear fusion