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Covid-19 : l’Union européenne propose de dispenser ses résidents vaccinés de test et de quarantaine
Après s’être mis d’accord sur la mise en place d’un certificat européen, les Vingt-Sept doivent accorder leurs violons sur les mesures liées à ce certificat.

Une enquête ouverte à Cergy-Pontoise après l’agression d’un livreur et des injures racistes
Le livreur agressé avait été pris en charge par les pompiers et a porté plainte. Une riveraine, témoin de la scène, a également déposé une plainte après que le suspect a proféré des insultes racistes à son encontre.

Brad Pitt awarded temporary joint custody of his six children
Brad Pitt has been awarded temporary joint custody of the six children he shares with Angelina Jolie, two sources told CNN.

He flew to India because his dad was sick with Covid-19. He almost got stuck there until 2022 because of tightening travel restrictions
Ashu Mahajan traveled to India to care for his dying father and was told he may not be able to return to the US until 2022 before finally making it home.

Texas Democrats leave House floor, effectively blocking passage of restrictive voting bill for now
Texas House Democrats leave floor, effectively blocking passage of restrictive voting bill ahead of midnight deadline

Vaccine tourists are coming to America
"We have arrived in the US not for the American dream, we are here for the vaccine dream," 49-year-old Elver Estela told CNN. The businessman had travelled from Peru.

Tasmanian devils born on Australian mainland for first time in 3,000 years
Seven baby Tasmanian devils — known as joeys — were born

Texas man arrested over alleged plans for mass shooting
Law enforcement officials have arrested a Texas man who they say was planning a "mass casualty event," possibly at a Walmart.

Covid-19 medical bills have left many in debt
Americans who survived serious bouts of Covid-19 are finding themselves saddled with crippling medical bills to cover their treatment

President Biden lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
President Biden lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day.