Most Americans support trans military members but oppose trans athletes, a new poll finds

About 66% of respondents said they support allowing trans military service members, down from 71% the last time the question was asked in a 2019 poll, according to Gallup


Frankly I dont like either. I think there are actually fewer trans that reported, its like a current fad now, which is why we keep seeing reports of re-transitioning with much regret. What they cant do is take away opportunities for real girls and women. Why should those girls in Ct lose state championships and college opportunities to the two boys. Those two boys were built and looked like muscular men with dreads but identified as women . I have had enough of this. Women must stand up for women's rights! They should boycott any event in which they know they will lose to a trans women. That new Zealand weight lifter will take the gold in every event from the women competitors at the Olympics. It will be lauded as a great achievement for the LGBT but it is down right cheating, and all those women who have worked so hard ,its for nothing . Bottom line they can think and feel that they are a women but in FACT they are not, nor will they ever be.

The problem on sports is due to the average person wanting a level playing field. There is no doubt at all a male to female trans athlete has a advantage in sports . That is a fact. That bring said I believe schools and sports should just start 2 trans leagues for those athletes . Certainly they should be allowed to complete but that way the fields would be even in either sport . In the military it's more about if you can make them that is all that matters not men vs women . It's a different aspect vs sports . I 100 support trans but at the same time it's unfair for say a 200 lb former make lifter to compete in women's lifting. We just need to make 2 more fields in sports male to female trans and female to male . I know it will be hard many sports that are team based but certainly in individual ones that would be the most fair course of action