Opinion: Now that GOP has killed 1/6 commission, Democrats must play hardball

These hardball alternatives would require Democrats to push back strongly, but they are necessary now that the GOP has killed the commission, writes John Avlon for CNN Opinion



Omg you people are delusional!! How in the world is 1/6 anywhere near what happened on 11/22, 9/11 and 12/07? Do you even know what happened on 11/22 and 12/7? What about the BLM activist Susan Rosenberg? She went to jail for blowing up the capitol and was pardoned by Clinton? I can think of worse. Portland OR is under attack every night by antifa but let’s ignore that. You know us common folk aren’t as important as the elites in congress. Let’s see, school shootings, Waco, Oklahoma City bombing. Slavery lynchings. What happened on 1/6 is being blown way out of proportion. Just like all the lies are being exposed about Russia, covid and the election, the lies will be exposed about the capitol.

so this is the biggest issue facing the country? Not record setting illegal border crossings or the human smuggling that goes on? The price of commodities going straight up (inflation), lifting sanctions on Russia to allow for a pipe line to be built to Europe? Not demanding free and open investigation of Wuhan and COVID? no the biggest issue is a so called "armed insurrection?" there have not been any arrest on weapons or guns charges. How about before the commission starts they release all 1,400 hours of video and the name of the officer who shot Babbitt and why?

As a lifelong Republican Republican up until the cowards vote in my party, I'm leaving my party as a Veteran I took an Oath as they did I kept my oath as did all the fallen we will pay tribute to on Memorial Day. So very disappointed in my party especially all the Senators who broke their Oath by voting no. You work for Americans that voted you to have your public official position, you violated that agreement by voting no and we take full notice of whom you actually work for. TRUMP Is No longer president yet you somehow believe what he wants and says is the way of our party. BS, shame on you all and each needs removed from office for breaking their Oath, not working for Americans,this is outrageous behavior. Your just the thing you despised Antifa. Which you should join and represent as now your branded yellow belly cowards Anti American. Live with that title take it to your graves.

Only investigate if they will investigate it all. Expose everything or expose nothing. Typically congress only exposes only what they want the public to see. We need full disclosure on all of it. Including members of congress who participated either directly or indirectly. Who provided financial support. Investigate the capital police for their partipation. As there is video evidence of capital police guarding and escorting Antifa and BLM off of the busses and to the capital. More video of capital police moving the barricades and telling people to go to the capital. More video of capital police opening a side door and escorting people into the capital and up the stairs. All of it needs to be exposed. But we can't rely on congress to expose it all. They are too corrupt and have lots to hide

The Republicans don't want a commission to find out what happened on Jan 6th. They know who is to blame and who called for the violence. They know who gave the tours of the Capitol on Jan 5th. No one fights this hard if they are innocent as it was with Trump fighting to keep his tax records hidden and to keep all of his corruption from the American people. Trump has ruined the Republican party, they might just as well not be a thing right now. They are so wrapped up in a LIAR and a Conman who doesn't have the intelligence of a tree stump.
There is no hope now for the Republican party, they have been turned in "The Pantywaiste Party" by trump. That is no reason for the American people to be denied their Democracy and their country's progress. And BTW Biden won!

The bill for the Jan. 6th was shot down by the Republicans as everyone expected. It would have passed if the filibuster was taken out of play in the senate. Joe Manchin has a love of the filibuster and refused to help with removing it. Why? He also has fought against every one of President Biden's bills that he has brought out to help the American people. Why? It's as if he aligns himself with the republicans. He knew how important the "Commission" is to find the truth about Jan. sixth and sure enough the filibuster was used against the Democrats to stop it. The H1R1 bill will be coming up to stop voter suppression in our country in order for Americans to have an honest and safe election and so ALL eligible Americans can vote. The filibuster will stop it. If you think the republicans wanted to stop the "Commission, you can bet they will want to stop this bill. Will Manchin stop this one too? Is his desires more important to our Democracy and the needs of Americans? Ones wander how powerful he wants to be.

Thankfully, the Dems now cannot waste $20 Million of my money on a fake "commission". Let the Enforcement Agencies finish the investigation they are actually trained to do. The Swamp Dems have no clue how to investigate this, except throw and waste tons of money to try to make their opponents look bad, and end up lying to the American Taxpayer. These Swamp Dems do not know how to govern.......the last 6 years have proven they only know how to set up fake impeachments and investigations. They do nothing. The Pelosi Villages grew over the last 6 years, and she did nothing about them for her constituents. She does not care.

The Democrats need to make their own Committee as the Republicans will be in the Majority... The Democrats will totally control all of the Republicans who will be Subpoenaed to testify under Oath..
Men Like McCarthy, McConnell, Johnson, Cruz, Hawley, Kennedy, Graham and the rest of the Republicans Trash will be called.
The Republicans are afraid of what will come out and what Trump did during the Insurrection... The Republicans are afraid that they will have to testify under Oath what Trump did on January 6th ...
The Republicans are afraid of EX President Trump... Old White Men who are Totally Incompetent...
The American people have to remember the Republicans who voted against the Commission.. They don't care about the American People only about their jobs..... McConnell has said that he wants to stop anything that Biden and the Administration wants to do for American's... McConnell is against the American People...
But the incompetent people of Kentucky keep voting this Trash into office....

The Democrats need to realise who they are dealing with when it comes to trumps Republican party they don’t believe in the truth, they don’t believe in the Constitution, they don’t believe in real democracy, they believe in power and will do whatever it takes to attain power even if that means lying, voter suppression, gerrymandering, taking help from foreign governments, inciting an insurrection to stop a duly elected government from being formed if the democrats don’t do something about this situation just like Germany in the 1930s they will wake up and find there is no democracy to defend because if Trump’s Republican party get into power imagine what they will do to make sure they never lose again, history tells us what can happen if you don’t stand up against, The Creation of an autocracy. the democrats have won the popular vote 7, times out of 8 in the last 32 years, but they haven’t won the presidency 7 out of 8 times, in the last 32 years. Trumps Republican Party is trying to attain power with the minority of the votes with the way the system is and in real democracy those who get the most votes, i.e the popular vote should win. The democrats have 18 months before the 2022 mid-terms they must get rid of the filibuster and introduce the For the People Act and the late John Lewis’s voting act to start with and eventually have a serious debate with Americans voters about the electoral college, without this the democrats won’t be able to protect democracy.
