Polls find most Republicans say 2020 election was stolen and roughly one-quarter embrace QAnon conspiracies

About one-quarter of Republicans said they agree with QAnon-linked conspiracies and that violence may be necessary



The United States were created both by the "Pilgrim Fathers", in other words the Puritans of the Mayflower, whose arrival is celebrated during "Thanksgiving", together with a crowd of migrants from Northern Europe.

Their aim was to establish a "New Jerusalem", organized according to the Law of Moses, and to strive for purity. At the same time, they intended to pursue the confrontation between the English and Spanish Empires in the Americas.

As for the latter, they sought to find fortune in a land they believed was empty, without inhabitants, without any constraint, and with no more than local government.

As a whole, these two groups are described by sociologists as the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs).

When the Constitution was being drawn up, the "Founding Fathers" mostly represented the Puritans. Under the influence of Alexander Hamilton, they imagined an anti-democratic text which reproduced the system of the British monarchy, but transferred power from the gentry to the local elites, the governors.

This text sparked fury among the North-European migrants, who had given their lives during the War of Independence.

Rather than re-writing the Constitution and recognizing popular sovereignty, a dozen amendments were added by James Madison, the result constituting the Bill of Rights.

These additions guaranteed citizens the right to defend themselves in court against the "Reason of State". Both of these texts remained valid for two centuries, and gave satisfaction to both groups.

On 13 September 2001, Congress adopted, in haste, an extremely voluminous anti-terrorist Code, the USA Patriot Act.

This document, which had been prepared in secret for many years before the attacks on 11 September 2001 in New York and Washington, suspended the Bill of Rights in all circumstances connected to terrorism.

From then on, the United States of Republican George Bush Jr. (himself a direct descendant of one of the Puritans of the Mayflower) and Democrat Barack Obama, were governed exclusively according to modern Puritan principles (which now include multiculturalism, distinct rights for each community, and an implicit hierarchy between these communities).

Donald Trump presented himself as the candidate of the North Europeans, in other words, the non-Puritan WASPs.

He based his electoral campaign on his promise to give them back their country, which had been confiscated by the Puritans and invaded by Hispanics who refused to integrate their culture.

His slogan America First! must be understood as the restoring of the "American Dream", that of finding fortune, at once against the Puritan imperialist project and against the illusion of multiculturalism.

The defense of the Bill of Rights includes the right to demonstrate, including for extremist groups (1st amendment) and that of the citizens to bear arms in order to resist possible excesses of the Federal State (2nd amendment).

It is therefore perfectly legitimate for President Trump to have supported the right to demonstrate for the racist groups in Charlottesville, and to have expressed his support for the National Rifle Association (NRA).

This political philosophy may seem absurd to non-US citizens, but it nonetheless corresponds to the History and the culture of this country.

The two main powers of a US President are:

Yeah and their beliefs over hard facts is what's splitting the party daily. Now we have the entire Republican Senate exception of breaking their Oath and ensuring they will go to whatever links to back an X failed ego maniac self destruction president. Based on his lies, his conspiracies. They forget the got elected by the people not one man and their Cowardly yellow belly actions on breaking their Oath. Showed all exactly what the future looks like for Republican party which I'm happy as today I'm leaving as a lifelong Republican. Such a disgrace to all who took their Oath and those that gave up all especially on this upcoming Memorial Day. They mise well have spit on all who served to uphold our democracy against foreign and domestic threats.

It's beyond belief how so many DemocRATS hate the truth and how they accept the bullsh*t being fed to them by the purveyor of FAKE NEWS, CNN. The truth is that the elections were fraudulent. The Republicans lost the election because it was STOLEN from them. A mentally challenged, sick man was put in the White House, one who is completely incompetent and is merely a puppet whose strings are being pulled by the likes of Obama, the present VP and other blatantly anti American individuals like the Squad, who are putting America right back into the horrific Obama days that lasted 8 years and almost destroyed the USA. Trump or someone of his calibre is desperately needed back in the White House.

Nolte: Without evidence, America’s corporate media spent weeks hoaxing the American public with the lie Capitol Hill Police Officer Brian Sicknick died after an anti-vote-fraud protester smashed him in the head with a fire extinguisher during the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

After the fire extinguisher hoax was debunked, the corporate media spread the lie that Sicknick probably died as a result of the riot, maybe from pepper spray or something. On Monday the Washington D.C., medical examiner proved once and for all that the corporate media are a vile gang of liars who need to be ignored by the American people.

So in 2016 when Hillary had millions more than him and lost because of the electoral college and he won because of the electoral college we cried and were disappointed, this time Biden wins also by the electoral college and he says it was stolen, we felt that way too, and now he’s made a mess of this country, you know what’s good fo the goose is good for gander. Also they are always talking about Benghazi, she was thousand of miles away, but he was here when COVID was killing thousands, he could have recommended the medication they used on him, oh but that was for the elite, what little good he did was erased by those thousand that died.

It’s clear that a majority of the House supports creating a bipartisan commission to investigate the attack on the U.S. Capitol that occurred on Jan. 6. It passed a bill to do so earlier this month.

It’s clear that a majority of the Senate supports the commission’s creation, too. On Friday, more than 50 senators — representing 32 states and well over half the country’s population — voted to move forward on doing so.

It’s clear that a majority of the public also supports such a commission. Polling has repeatedly demonstrated that, including a YouGov-Economist survey released this week.

But there will be no such commission. (Not even a debate on the idea)

It could have been a 59-to-0 vote, and the commission would still have been blocked. In fact, 11 senators, nine of them Republicans, didn’t bother to vote at all. It didn’t matter.

Phillip Bump

Unless the filibuster is finally killed the few number insane inmates will always run the asylum...

The big lie !
Fake he won argument with no basis of truth or evidence !
The only fraud was Rudy and Donald trying to sway election officials to change the votes , create votes , alter the votes , loose votes or just make up new numbers!
Living a lie or in non reality leads to poor decisions and cult like destruction of ones self if motivated to overthrow the congress and government , injure police , kill police , threaten to kill house and senators. And hang the VP of their own party !
Wake up !

Citizens if you can only imagine why the people in the United States went to war and split the nation in half and suffered.for real if only they did the right thing and released all those Americans from hell on earth but the fight began slowly.over time ,until a crescendo of violence happened ..And that symbol of the ideals won after so much blood was shed, is still in dispute folks..The United States of America won that bloody dog fight folks and the battlefield of some brave Americans was surrendered to the United States of America in April of 1865 And we became the United States again a free nation but those Americans who never breathed the fresh air of freedom are still buried all over the red states ....

It is horrific that so many Republicans actually believe the QAnon fantasies. What is wrong with them? Believing in fictional stories will not make your Trump-god return to power. HE LOST. Hopefully, he'll end up in prison. He is not going to be President again. The Republicans in the Senate who follow him do so at the cost of their positions. Do you really think that Marjorie Taylor Greene and those that spew the QAnon nonsense are for real? If so, you're in a cult and need to get out of it before they make you drink more Kool-Aid than you already have. Check out Jim Jones and others if you need an accurate reference about Kool-Aid and cults. It never ends well for those who follow these cult leaders.

10ºTrump the Virus...

a·non (ə-nŏn′)
1. At another time; later.
2. In a short time; soon.
3. Archaic At once; forthwith.


Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssøn Quisling was a Norwegian military officer, politician, and Nazi collaborator who nominally headed the government of Norway during the occupation of the country by Nazi Germany

Eight elections lawsuits in both state and federal court that turned up no evidence of fraud? They weren’t good enough.

Two independent audits clearing the Dominion Voting Systems machinery, completed just week in Republican-run Maricopa County? They didn’t change a single mind.

All of Michigan’s more than 250 election audits are now complete, and each and every one of them affirmed the integrity of the November election and the accuracy of the results.

More than 1,300 Republican, Democratic, and non-partisan election clerks participated in the audits, working across the aisle to review one another’s procedures, ballots and machines in coordination with the state Bureau of Elections.

On Nov. 12, the coordinating council overseeing the voting systems used around the country said in an unprecedented statement distributed by Trump’s own Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) that “the November 3rd election was the most secure in American history” and that “there is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

historical precedent: The impeachments of Sen. William Blount in 1797 and Secretary of War William Belknap in 1876 both occurred after the men were no longer in office.

In Syria, Trump pushed to withdraw US forces, leaving our allies such as the Kurds deathly vulnerable.
In Yemen, Trump vetoed a resolution to end US support of Saudi Arabia’s involvement in their civil war. A country, remember, where one of Trump’s first notable military operations resulted in the deaths of dozens of civilians, and a Navy Seal.
In Israel, Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the US embassy there, went against years of official US foreign policy, and likely made the standoff between Israel and Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world even more fractured.
In Afghanistan, the country of the United States’ longest-running war, Trump has only managed to bring confusion over his policies there, leaving a resurgent Taliban largely unchecked.
In Iraq, the government propped up by the US seems even more powerless and unstable than how US-propped-up Iraqi government usually goes, which underlies their growing alignment with Iran.
In Iran, his decision to pull the US out of the nuclear deal all but ensured the country would continue on its path to nuclear weapons, as its officials who were originally open to negotiating with the West will now get marginalized or turned against us. And that is simply on top of all the escalation in aggression between the two countries since then.
And this is all amidst numerous years of reports of large numbers of civilian deaths caused by his administration’s drone and air strikes.
President Trump's business has an active bank account in China and has paid more than $188,000 in taxes to the government in Beijing - much more than the $750 in taxes that he paid to the US treasury in both 2016 and 2017.

Trump paid taxes to the Chinese government while he pursued licensing deals there between 2013 and 2015, according to tax records obtained by The New York Times.

While Trump has paid into the Chinese treasury, he paid no federal income taxes in 10 of the 15 years preceding his White House run, according to records obtained by the Times.
Donald Trump has made much of Joe Biden’s trip to China, a trip during which his son Hunter accompanied him, saying that the younger Biden was offered and made money there and that the older Biden is beholden to China because of it. While there is no evidence that Hunter Biden made money in China and gave some of it to his father, there is lots of evidence that Trump has made money in China while in office, 5.4 million pieces of evidence, in fact.

Chinese government granted a total of 41 trademarks to companies linked to Ivanka Trump by April of 2019—and the trademarks she applied for after her father became president got approved about 40% faster than those she requested before Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016

PALM BEACH, Fla. — The summit between President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping kicked off with a lavish dinner at Mar-a-Lago Thursday night, with Trump calling it a "great honor" to host his counterpart.
With Xi seated on his right, Trump joked that the two already had a long discussion "and so far I have gotten nothing. Absolutely nothing."
"We have developed a friendship, I can see that," he added. "I think, long-term, we are going to have a very, very great relationship, and I look very much forward to it."
