Marjorie Taylor Greene may be politically safe, but her conservative Georgia constituents have concerns about her tactics

Freshman congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has turned herself into one of the most visible Republicans in the country -- stoking an endless stream of controversies that has caused headaches for a defeated party trying to find its footing while she rakes in campaign cash without fear of consequences.


1. CNN, YOU talk about Marjorie Taylor Greene more than any other news network, so who’s really giving her the power here? Uh... that’d be you for some reason.

2. You’ve changed your wording about her from “conspiracies” (def.- “a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.”) to “controversies” (def.- “disagreement, typically when prolonged, public, and heated.”).

Anything coming from Republicans or conservative minds, are of course, going to be controversial to the left (and CNN). So.... why are you making this news? Lol!

Just comes to show that you’re going to continue to grasp at whatever straws you can while making it sound as bad as you possibly can without unlawful defamation of character.

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 1,000 times. You guys are not news, you’re entertainment. It shows more and more everyday.

The GOP was not completely defeated as CNN likes to spin they picked up 15 seats. If there weren't large fraudulent irregularities in the election then why are the Dems having a melt down over the forensic anayliss taking place in Arizona? There are other audits about to take place and the Dems lawyers are headed to court to stop it..again why? It won't change anything, but it will help identify areas that were of concern, what's wrong with that ...maybe if the Dems weren't so apposed to these audits Marjorie would come on board with it being a fair election

RIP Brian Sicknick and all deceased military members.
I am so sorry for what you are seeing, from above.
You swore an OATH, an OATH that you would defend the lives, rights, and property of ALL Americans and, the equal treatment of the same. Sadly, you are witnessing current leaders in this country, who do not trust in GOD nor abide by the same OATH, we swore. These traitors are two faced, liars, and change their mind for there own benefit.
Core Values, Mission Statement and the Oath, have no meaning. They are just words for these traitors.
These cowards and traitors are out for themselves and are not currently, held accountable.
You were not. You gave your life for a different OATH, meaning.
Families who have lost loved ones who served, THANK YOU from all my heart.

The irony of this is that she isn't even from the 14th District. She couldn't win in the district that she lived in in Atlanta so she pretended to move to Rome, GA, so that she could qualify for the 14th District. She is a rich, spoiled woman who is just seeking attention but her words are having an effect. For example...and this is minor...I live 40 minutes from Dalton, GA, in Tennessee. I am getting ready to put new flooring in my entire home. I would have not hesitated to go to Dalton to buy that flooring because I can get it much cheaper than buying through a flooring store. However, because of her mouth, I am going to purchase a great product from a company out of California that is not affiliated with the Georgia flooring industry. I don't even want to go into Georgia. I feel that she is dangerous and has created a dangerous environment. But, I know many people in that district that do not agree with her behavior. Will they have the courage to vote her out? Will they be able to if there is no opponent?

Unfortunately, the once respected republican party no longer exists. When the leadership at the 2015, RNC made a behind closed door decision to remove the ideological platform to accommodate a grifter and these national inquirer conspiracy theorist, white nationalism, KKK, and Fascism. No respectable republican would ever condone the Insurrection by anyone. No true republican would ever accept this cougar and her trafficker friend Gaetz. The next election the people will decide if we are going to be a Fascist state, or a democratic republic with Freedoms! Stop referring to these scum as republicans, it is offensive to real republicans!

She is a disgusting, racist, neanderthal. If she is what so-called "conservatives" want representing them, so be it.

It will be bedtime for Bonzo (Trump) in another 4 years if he continues to surround himself with the likes of her, the spineless Lindsey Graham, Kevin McCarthy, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley ... and others.

That's good news for the Dems. Because the more support Trump gets from these morons, the more democrats will be motivated to get every single voter they can to the polls. And just like in 2020, more and more people will do everything in their power to get out there and VOTE!

Americans will not sit idly by while racism and the "good ol' boy" white entitlement network in the south destroys the country.

I watched CNN yesterday where a Republican woman was on her way to a rally or something. She was wearing a white blouse with some kind of a flag on her shoulders. She was briefly interviewed by a CNN journalist. He asked her what she thought about MTG’s comparison of wearing a mask to the Holocaust. She replied “I don’t know what was said about the Holocaust”. The journalist explained it to her and asked her what she thought of comparing wearing a mask to the Holocaust. She replied “I can see it”! I could not believe what I heard coming out of her mouth. First of all she hadn’t heard what MTG had said about masks and the Holocaust? Does she live under a rock? I’m Canadian and I know what she said. I believe that that woman does not know what the Holocaust is about and neither does MTG. Jews were put in cages full of other Jews, starved, then thrown in burning ovens.
After having heard that woman speak, I NOW believe that there are probably millions of Trumpsters like that woman who believe in MTG.
It’s a sad state of affairs what is going on in your country. I feel sorry for intelligent Americans. I wish you all the best for the future.

The origin of evil: “The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged. Remember that. It's the only way we're going to lose this election, so we have to be very careful." - Trump told the group of supporters at the outdoor campaign event.

January 6: “Stop the steal!” “Stop the steal!” “Stop the steal!” ... (everything on videos) Don’t forget this one: “Hang Mike Pence!” “Hang Mike Pence!” “Hang Mike Pence!” ... (everything on videos)

Ask that woman if she believes It was “like a normal tourist visit”?

Qtrump and his loyalists: what a bunch of broken souls!
