A Caribbean island bet its future on petrochemicals. Then oil rained down on homes.

After the EPA shut down Limetree Bay refinery, St. Croix is weighing its economic future against the health and environmental impacts of betting big on oil.



For the energy buffs: Fusion energy, is one of the greatest frontiers of today's physics, requiring not only scientific research ability, but also massive experimental instruments. As opposed to fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which are in danger of being exhausted and pose a threat to the environment, raw materials required for an "artificial sun" are almost unlimited on earth. Therefore, fusion energy is considered the ideal "ultimate energy" with the potential to realize carbon neutrality. Chinese scientists have set a new world record of achieving a plasma temperature of 120 million degrees Celsius for 101 seconds in the latest experiment on Friday, a key step toward test running a fusion reactor. ** The ultimate goal is to create nuclear fusion like the Sun...using deuterium abound in the sea to provide a steady stream of clean energy. It is estimated that the deuterium in one liter of seawater can produce, through fusion reaction, the amount of energy equivalent to 300 liters of gasoline!!!! (Xinhua)

Pardon the whiplash! It feels like the media suddenly decided the theory that the deadly coronavirus leaked from a lab in Wuhan is now considered plausible when it was aggressively dismissed by the press as a “fringe theory” in 2020.
It's not a mystery why this happened. The Democrats thought the coronavirus was going to be that “silver bullet” that would remove Trump from office. Their arrogant belief that Trump was an ignoramus led them to shame anyone or any theory that Trump endorsed on the year’s biggest story. They were willing to embrace the supposed authority of communist China, of the China-enabling World Health Organization, and the “prevailing opinion” of science journals and magazines....that endorsed Biden for president.

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