Idaho governor rescinds ban on mask mandates issued while he was out of state

"This kind of over-the-top executive action amounts to tyranny -- something we all oppose. How ironic that the action comes from a person who has groused about tyranny, executive overreach, and balance of power for months," Idaho Governor Brad Little said about Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin


But they’ll leave that part out history. Here’s something from the history books they used the KKK like they’re using antifa now this is what was written

The "Party Switch?" Nah
The KKK is and was the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party. There was no party switch. Everyone knows the South is less racist now than it was then. As the South has become less racist, it's become more republican. That's just facts. Also, only one person switched parties. Strom Thurmond. Robert Byrd, Grand Kleagle in the KKK and Oldest Living Senator: Remained Democrat until death and was Eulogized by Barrack, Bill and Hillary. Parties didn't switch. Blacks left the republican party for the New Deal in the 40's NOT the 60's civil rights. And they are coming back.
cheney more than 2 years ago | reply

BS! I was on 3 different flights last month and not one person said anything about mask. However, I have to point out how ironic it is that when we couldn't go to church, take kids to the park, go to funerals or weddings, sit on the beach by yourself. That nightly riots were allowed in Democrat run states. Flights with people sitting shoulder to shoulder from all over the world were allowed. You couldn't pull your mask down to talk to the passenger next to you, but you could pull it down to drink and eat the soda and pretzels the flight attendant brought you. When I was at the airports there were 6 ft apart signs every, which people complied with. Then we board and pack like sardines. Make it make sense! No wonder after a year of this bs, people are calling BS!
