
#المسافر - "قصر باشا" متحف يروي تاريخ #غزة إليكم قصته



POEM-Palestine & What is Required

On a matter like this, please abandon the posture of ambivalence.
Do not allow it to inhabit our thinking as it can only lead to the mere semblance.
Of support rather than decisive and solid intervention
On behalf of the Palestinians who with incredible determination
Have resisted acts of unspeakable and obliquitous violence.
By Israel who continues to enjoy so much Western attention and benevolence
Yes, you hear them speak of climate change and you know its disingenuous
It is simply to deflect attention from Israel’s actions that are barbarous.
You also hear them praise Israel’s greenery.
Rather than condemn Israel’s occupation and thievery.
Alas, this has only made the rogue entity.
More committed to genocide, which it carries out with a unique particularity.
That particularity is to take delight in the killing and maiming of the innocent.
Which for them seems a great accomplishment
In the quest to further usurp and Judaize
Homes and lands for which they are not criminalized.
What will be left for or of the original inhabitants?
Of the Palestinians I speak, not these false claimants.
Does this not remind you of a man in History by the name of Adolf Hitler?
Who many, many consider modern day’s worst monster?
Of course, it does, and that is the greatest irony.
You see, the descendants of his victims are the criminals who commit this tragedy.
Certainly, many but, to be truly clear, not all.
For many too have made the freedom of Palestinians their call.
And have made their voices part of the thunderous uproar.
A phenomenon never witnessed before.
It is heartening to know that the spectacle of egregious silence is vanishing.
For that- night and day- we had been praying.