Watch Elizabeth Warren grill Jamie Dimon over pandemic overdraft fees

Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren slammed Jamie Dimon during a Senate hearing for the $1.5 billion in overdraft fees that JPMorgan Chase collected from consumers last year during the pandemic


IF you think this is Corrupt ..... Then you should read this .....
British Courts must do The Right Thing and dismiss The Corrupt US Government's Appeal against Julian Assange on June 6!
There's nothing wrong or corrupt about US Military Service men and women .... BUT there is everything Wrong and CORRUPT about The past and present Leaders of the United States! These are very wicked and evil people in charge who continue to keep an innocent Journalist locked up for publishing US Classified Videos that clearly show US War Crimes!
You've even got former Brave US Soldiers trying to tell the American Public that the US Government is Criminally hiding thousands of US War Crimes in Iraq?????
Where is the Integrity of the United States????
Free Julian Assange

Tell Senator Warren she’s ignorant when it comes to economics.
Writing a draft on a financial account with insufficient funds in it can land you in jail for upto 18 months.
She also made her failed bid for the Democratic presidential nomination by suggesting that student loans in households making less than $100k be completely written-off.
The financial institutions providing student loans are not in the business of giving away money but making it in interest paid in such transactions.
Should such legislation been drafted and passed these financial lending institutions would have written -these uncollectible loans as losses on their corporate federal income taxes leaving all taxpayers to pick-up the tab.
Does Warren realize that the Bank of J.P. Morgan is affiliate of the World Bank which virtually owns the U.S.?
They could put Warren on the sidewalk tomorrow selling pencils from a tincup.
That would be real poetic justice.

Let's just put this in the " what Trump did to the American people" column because we should never forget the many things Trump let happen to the people he swore to support and protect all the time he was in the WH yet failed to do at every turn. The big tax break Trump put into place was praised by all but the ones who cheered the loudest got hit the hardest and always will. Remember that next time you vote folks, it is you who allowed yourselves to be taken advantage of and only you can change that by getting as far away from Trump and his Republicans as you can. Try slamming the Trump door on Trump and see what it is really like to be free once again.

Double dipping when charging customers a transaction fee to pay the current charge. It should be illegal to add surcharge,s, fees, or tariffs, tgat pay for tge the businesses ATM and phone line the local monthly. Charge, then they deduct it as expenses and losses. We need to deduct over draft fees, and other expenses too. universities charge for the same thing but list ut as parking, student I’d.. access to attend college. It should be tossed in since the hardback or online access cost $400 — books! The people are being robbed when business calculate by using six decimal places.. you’ll end up paying $100 more over a period of time— money you don’t owe. Sneaky!

Chase is great with schemes to extract excessive fees from their consumers. I had to march into a Manhattan based Chase location and meet with a manager in defense of a woman I was dating at the time. According to Chase, her credit history deemed her unworthy of an overdraft protection line of credit. However, if she conducted a transaction that resulted in an overdraft, instead of declining the transaction, Chase honored the payment and then promptly charged her a $45 fee for each occurrence. So if a $1 cup of coffee caused an overdraft, she ended up paying $46 for that cup of coffee. I told the manager “You deem her unworthy to extend credit to assist her in avoiding fees, however you are extending credit to her that allows you to charge her an exorbitant fee!!!” By the time I finished fighting with this branch manager, my lady friend received a full refund for every disputed fee.
