【一周热点回顾】中美再就新冠病毒“实验室泄露”论交锋 中国官媒批福奇“背叛” - BBC News 中文

【一周热点回顾】美国国家过敏和传染病研究所所长安东尼·福奇曾否认“实验室泄露”论的可能性,但他近期表示不再“确信”这种说法。 中国官媒则对此感到愤怒,《环球时报》批评福奇“背叛了中国的科学家”。



* Climb the stairs in order and cross the stone bridge in order. Don't be mistaken as if a $30,000-dollar country is a $50,000-80,000-dollar country. Live worthy of thirty thousand dollars and act worthy of it*

<Everyone in the world should always live with a warm heart that loves and respects each other and always cares for and cares for each other. >

< Leaders should look carefully at the unbearable suffering of the low-income elderly >

<There is not a separate low-income class. As it happens in life, it is not polite to do so, so anyone should think of it as if it were mine and use it as an opportunity to look around us once again and prepare in advance from a young age. >

1. Suddenly, after old age, you have to wander homeless and live.

2. Having to live in a jeonse or monthly rented house without any income

3. Living alone without a spouse or someone close to you

4. Living without a child or missing a child to look after

5. No children, relatives, or acquaintances to come

6. No phone calls from children or acquaintances

7. Living alone with children but no phone calls and no traffic.

8. No support for living expenses or pocket money for children

9. An old man serving his elderly parents because his younger brothers do not attend

10. Staying at home every day due to lack of ability to work or exercise

11. Unable to freely go to the hospital due to financial problems even if you are sick

12. Being lonely with no one to talk to

13. Things you need to do laundry, side dishes, boil and eat when you are sick by yourself

14. Being so lonely, sad and indescribable because I can’t see people

15. The painful years that passed without any money were so unfair and futile.

16. Living on the subway is hard, but you can't even give up your seat.

17. Always being ignored by young people and living without words

18.Putting it out without even listening to the story

19. Hating the old man, turning away from it, turning away from it

20. Failing to benefit from the state because no one knows and has no ability

21. I don't have pocket money, so I always want to go out, but I can't go out and live.

22. A visitation assistant does not come, only a formal phone call

23. Not paying the old-age pension evenly because there is a small pension

24. Failing to be a beneficiary because there is a child without any benefits

25. Pushing the elderly who have lived through hard times to work too much

26. Living by hearing people say that too many old people are disgusting

27. Living in an underdeveloped welfare facility with only fins and 30s every day

28. Neighbors don't say hello and just pass by and turn away

29. Neighbors eating delicious food and not saying anything

30. Discovering the lack of sincerity in those who come to serve

The Gentle World of the East Lee In Seop.
