Child malnutrition is spiking in Haiti amid pandemic, says UNICEF

Severe acute childhood malnutrition in Haiti is expected to more than double this year as the country deals with rising violence, the coronavirus pandemic, and a lack of access to essential services, UNICEF says


Why does America focus only on Ethiopia's Tigray Region? What about the voiceless Amhara people who have been killed and displaced for 27 years by TPLF when it was in power and also the Amhara people that have been massacred and displaced by the Oromo Prosperity Party since it held power three years ago? There are nearly 2,000,000 Amhara people including children who have been displaced from their homes in Metekel, Benshangul, Ataye, North Shewa, Yifat, Kara Korie, Wolega, Wollo, Shashemene, Mojo, Assela, Arsi, Asasasa, Gedio, and others after their houses and churches were burned down. They lost their families due to killings by armed groups supported by government officials. Many of those that escaped the killings are now in tents at the Changi Center and other areas. Once productive members of the society, now their properties have been destroyed due to ethnic-based attacks. They are now out in the streets begging to feed their families. They need help. If you would like to help them you can go to Changni Center. You can also contact people that have provided them temporary shelter in other areas of the Amhara region. If you want to be helpfull then please expose the suffering of the amhara people in ethiopia for the past 30 years. To this day more and more people are being slaughtered and mutilated.

Another example showing how humans, for the most part, have made no progress and have not grown as a species, in over 3 thousand years. Humans are the only evil species on the planet. They kill just for the sake of killing, even our own kind, and even to extinction. We stand by, for the most part and watch as others less fortunate die from lack of food, water and or medicine. We are also the only species that shits where we live. We pollute the air we need to survive, the water we need to survive and the land we need to grow our food on to survive, no other species does any of that. We consider ourselves an intelligent species, and yet, If anything, in many ways, we are actually one of the least intelligent species on the planet, and possibly in the Universe. You would think that after all this time we would have learned to not only live together without hating and or killing each other, but that we would have learned to take care of each other/those who are less fortunate and don't have even the basic necessities of life. If we are such an intelligent and advanced species, why do we still have so many wars/conflicts in the world, poverty, homelessness, racism/bigotry, hate, people/children starving to death. Will there always be hate and evil in the world, yes, probably. But why contribute to it. Isn't it time we stopped judging people by the the colour of their skin, or by where they came from or by what Religion they practice, yes, it is. Will it ever happen, doubtful. Humans, for the most part, lack the intelligence to grow and progress as a species, and therefore are unable to learn to live together. To many people are into the business of religion and have gotten away from being spiritual, which is a big part of the problem. And if things keep going the way they are going in the world, i wouldn't be surprised if we end up ending ourselves and or most of us, in the near future.