Echoing QAnon forums, Michael Flynn appears to suggest a Myanmar-style coup should happen in the United States

For months, QAnon and Trump-supporting online forums have celebrated the deadly military coup in Myanmar and suggested the same should happen in the United States so Trump could be reinstated as President


These are some sick and dangerous people. Can't live in peace and supporting a so called man who doesn't even back them. People died and for what? Biden was elected and is serving. But, if Trump cam get away with all the craziness he did, shouldn't it be the same for all? Get over this unhealthy obsession already . Let go and move on. Trump is the antichrist, not God. BTW, the question aforementioned was nonsense, just making a foul point. This country is based on laws, maybe not fair to all but still, we ARE a civil and so called sophisticated nation and we can and have done far better than this.

Well, this isn't Myanmar, so it WON'T happen here, because we wouldn't allow it. Just like the National Guard protected Biden against the Trumptard rally. And unlike Trump, Biden WOULD respond to such an attack and allow police and law enforcements to protect the White House from such an attack, and then the National Guard to keep the White House protected. The only reason the Trumptard rally got through was because Trump ignored the situation. And the Trumptards didn't make it into the White House immediately. The time it took was more than enough for police, etc to restore order before the Trumptards broke in if only Trump allowed police from Maryland less than 5 minutes away, from restoring order. And now, with Biden as President and not Trump, Trumptards, including QAnon wouldn't stand another chance.

Arrest this treasonous traitor. He was doing Putin's bidding in Turkey & now he's openly promoting overthrowing the United States government.
This POS took a military oath, to serve & protect against all enemies, foreign & domestic.
The military needs to recall him & put him in front of a military tribunal.
Arrest his brother too for being part of the January 6th failed coup.

Now tell me again how January 6th were "just a group of tourists".
Where are all of our DOJ federal prosecutors? I could get this guy put away with all the evidence there is against him.

Gaetz and Greene and Michael Flynn are in Violation of US code title 18 section 241 Section 241 of Title 18 is the civil rights conspiracy statute. Section 241 makes it unlawful for two or more persons to agree together to injure, threaten, or intimidate a person in any state, territory or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him/her by the Constitution or the laws of the Unites States, (or because of his/her having exercised the same). Unlike most conspiracy statutes, Section 241 does not require that one of the conspirators commit an overt act prior to the conspiracy becoming a crime.

The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.


and violation of Public law Title 18 section 242 and

There was Already a Coup attempt for 4 Years from the Democrat’s, which all Miserably FAILED with Lies and Fraudulent FBI conduct.. Then the Democrat’s finally were successful with their Coup for the 2020 Election.
Doesn’t matter though, because now even the Dumbest Liberal Democratic Voter can see what an Incompetent BrainDead Babbling MORON JOE BIDEN is, making it Even Easier for TRUMP TO WIN AGAIN IN 2024.
Of corse the Democrat’s will Loose So Many Seats in the 2022 Congressional elections that they’ll be Powerless to continue to Demolish Our Country and Embarrass America with that Idiot Shell of a President.

RIP Brian Sicknick and all deceased military members.
You all swore an OATH, an OATH that you would defend the lives, rights, and property of ALL Americans and, the equal treatment of the same. Sadly, you are witnessing current leaders in this country, who do not trust in GOD nor abide by the same OATH, we swore.
These traitors are two faced liars, and change their mind for their own benefit or the benefit of someone, they perceive a friend. NOT the benefit of OUR COUNTRY or PEOPLE.
Core Values, Mission Statement and the Oath, have no meaning. They are just words for these traitors.
These cowards are out for themselves and are not currently, held accountable.
As you were aware, we would have been held accountable immediately, for these same unprofessional, acts.
You were of a higher moral ground. You gave your life for a different OATHS, meaning.
Families who have lost loved ones who served, THANK YOU from all my heart.

The dramatic pullback in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies comes as a flurry of negative headlines and catalysts, from Tesla CEO Elon Musk to a new round of regulations by the Chinese government, have hit an asset sector that has been characterized by extreme volatility since it was created.The flagship cryptocurrency fell to more than three-month lows on Wednesday, dropping to about $30,000 at one point for a pullback of more than 30% and continuing a week of selling in the crypto space. Ether, the main coin for the Ethereum blockchain network, was also down sharply and broke below $2,000 at one point, a more than 40% drop in less than 24 hours.
What do you think? Buy or sell???

Please somebody explain to me why Michael Flynn still retains his military title and pension. A MILITARY pension no less. When he’s already an admitted foreign agent (albeit pardoned for that crime, but guilty nonetheless)

He is actively promoting a violent overthrow of our government. To armed Q cultists!!
Sydney Powell, whose defense in court was that nobody was expected to believe her, was also a speaker at this QAnon conference.
A former National security advisor and retired Lieutenant General, Flynn replied “no reason it can’t, and it should”, when asked why there can’t be a Myanmar type coup here
to overthrow the Biden presidency.

If only CNN actually reported this when it happened. CNN knows what's about to come, approaching the time to stand by the words or crumble as a whisper. People forget the Military Code, as Politicians take an oath they never follow in reason, so do our Military. Commander in Ice cream Cone Biden does not have the Backing of our Volunteer Military! Speak the words of truth or lie! Days of Old meets America First! You'll get the past Honor of Present Footsteps, Followed by Days of The New! Your Evil never met America's Melting Pot, as WW11 found out

10ºFor those who supported voter's suppression bills been passed in various states are the same supporters who advocate and follow such language of a disgraceful military officer along with other QAnon followers. DOJ, FBI and DHS is going to have a field day checking on this disgraceful military officer if he has any association with Russia and other foreign countries to conduct a coup and commit act of terrorism using both domestic and international terrorist groups. Flynn language is exactly how domestic terrorist like Tim McVeigh and other domestic terrorist who tried to wage war against the government and military forces.