Biden administration to suspend oil and gas drilling leases in Arctic refuge, undoing a Trump-era decision

The Trump administration last November started a leasing process for oil and gas drilling sites off the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, something environmental groups viewed as a potential last-minute giveaway to the energy industry before the Biden administration took over


Thanks Biden, may we have another.. ? China and Russia will be our saviours. We will owe them So very much. Biden is just something else now isn't he? This is what we voted him in for, hand the country over to international corporations and governments. While we are at it, let's bring the people of Venezuela and Cuba in. Throw in some Syrians, make sure they're mostly males of the working age though, I am sure KaMaLa and this admin will find jobs for them to do. Maybe help make voting machines or something.
Praise be to Biden, he shall give everyone what they have been crying for. He is like one of the bestest isn't he?

Total scam.

Lived in Alaska most of my life. Periodically some lower 48 politician flies up, spends 20 minutes on a helicopter over a tiny piece of ANWR far, far away from the proposed drill sites, then goes to DC talking about how they've "been to ANWR" with a cute little slideshow of waterfalls, game, lakes etc...... all of which has nothing to do with where the oil is. The sites are on open, barren, flat tundra that's almost as lifeless as the moon (unless you count a few billion mosquitoes)
The proposed drill sites are, in relation to the entirety of ANWR, akin to placing a postage stamp on a football field.
When the companies lay down their drill site pad they have to not just meet federal standards but Alaska State standards as well which are far more stringent than fed. They usually leave them cleaner than when they found them and after one year you can't even tell they were there.

This is all nonsense.

For the first time since 1991, the US imported oil from Iran.
According to the Financial Post:
The United States imported a rare cargo of 1.033 million barrels of Iranian crude in March despite sanctions on Iran’s energy sector, data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration showed.
The cargo is only the second oil import by the United States from Iran since late 1991, data on EIA’s website showed. President Trump imposed sanctions against Iran due to the Iranian regime’s numerous atrocities and terrorist actions. In October of 2020 the President added more:
The Trump administration on Thursday announced sweeping new sanctions on Iran’s financial sector, targeting at least 18 banks in a move that critics say will hamper humanitarian assistance during the pandemic. The fresh round of sanctions is part of the administration’s “maximum pressure campaign” that aims to push the Islamic republic toward negotiations over its nuclear program and prevent the country from financing military actions throughout the Middle East.
Of course when the President stood with the people of Iran, the US and world media sided with the terrorist leaders of Iran. The media even made up alibies for the terrorist regime’s disgusting actions.
Now the Obama/Biden administration has imported oil from Iran. This action tells Iran that Obama is back with them and they can continue their ways of building a nuke and terrorizing the Middle East and the world.https://www.thegatewaypun...ZgIGX_zwik9AS8I
