Florida becomes 8th state to enact anti-trans sports ban this year

The action by Gov. Ron DeSantis comes during a record-breaking year for anti-trans bills in statehouses across the country and was taken on the first day of Pride Month, an annual celebration of the LGBTQ community



These states are pro women's rights! Think about it, 1% of the entire population claims to be trans. They are trying to social engineer society, specifically in part of the population of women. The woke are trying to say men can have babies, how insulting and offensive is that towards women. Opportunities that women have worked hard to get, such as college scholarships, athletic awards ,even prizes in beauty pageants, women have to play second to men, who just feel like women? The bottom line our society has to first accept the fact that biological men can he women, and I truly hope that we keep fighting to make sure that we never accept that a man's delusion does not replace a women's status is our society. All women are special, we have the ability to create and continue mankind. We create a nucleus for home and family, we do this while working, competing, and forging our future. We need to be respected and saying a biological can be one of us is insulting. According to the woke, and liberal bullies we are not even allowed to have our privacy in a public bathroom or dressing room. I do sympathize with those who are confused about thier identities and they should be offered a safe place as well. Everyone pays a price for the choices they make in life, the problem is they want all of us to live with thier choices.

These people 100% deserve their own teams to compete on but they do not deserve to steal a win from biological females and it says a lot to me this is what they expect the world owes them and they are okay with “winning” in this manner . Sad . Girls deserve the scholarship opportunities as much as these transgender guys . Why are the needs of this small group being raised up over the needs of all the other athletes? The answer to that is “virtue signaling”. Reality and right /wrong have totally gone out the window because everyone is too afraid to offend anyone and in the process the rights of 99.9% of the female athletes have been trampled.

Don’t we have more important stuff to worry about as a human race! Sport is sport. And I love sports. But the world doesn’t revolve around sports. No matter how much your personal life, revolves around it. The fact of the matter is. Sports have always been a huge factor in racial and gender, barrier breaking. Also a major factor in the growth of the physiological make over of America-and the world over. Remember when “they” let “negros” into the spotlight in American sports! Pretty sure that, everything turned out ok for the sports world. And guess what! Would’ve never been what it is today . Sports are sport! Leave your politics and bigotry to the side when you get to the field. Sorry for all you bigots out there!For whom most are too scared to watch your kid get struck out or laid out by a human you just can’t understand, because you have a vision problem, or tiny brain.

This isn't to discriminate against LGBT community its COMMON SENSE. How is it fair that a biological man who wants (key word, WANTS) to be a woman compete against biological women? Even caitlyn jenner disagrees with this! An ex athlete! This should tell you enough. Even he says its not fair. So dont come here talking bout hormones, and you're the opposite sex now thanks to that, and blah blah, cause it's all false. You cannot change your genes completely. A man will always be stronger than a woman, physically speaking. If you want equal rights, start by respecting theirs too.

Such a tricky bit of legislature. For progressives, it pits two core values against each other: inclusion and fairness. Trans people should absolutely have the chance to have agency and self-determination and a right to happiness in their lives, but there are inherent advantages to having been born male and undergoing puberty as a man, even if testosterone levels afterwards are wrecked on purpose to transition into being a woman. Navigating the two will be a challenge. For conservatives, well they hate anyone who doesn't fit into their cookie cutter definition of how people "should be", so this is par for the course for them. Too bad they don't stick to their historical role of having government stay out of people's lives, which they still insist on when it negatively affects them in particular, of course.

So is it pro biological female or anti trans? I know in most sports where power and speed are the key determining factors, if you are born biologically female, there's little chance you're going to win against someone born biologically male. The fastest woman ever whose record still stands 30 years later (who was suspected of being on steroids) at her best time would finish last and far behind the slowest man at the Olympics. The slowest time (last place) for men was 10.06 in the 2016 olympics, Flo Joe's 30 year old record is 10.49 suspected on steroids, no woman has come close to breaking to this day.

Honestly I think both sides of this debate lack any imagination or problem solving skills. Kids at school have wildy varying athletic skill levels and many hate sports because they can't compete in their year group. Just throwing out a suggestion but maybe we could remove gender altogether and re-organize all sports into leagues based on attainment and allow kids of all genders/identities to compete at whatever level they are capable.

BTW: I think there are a lot of boys who would get a good dose of humility handed to them if they had to compete against the best women athletes.

The republican party needs a major cleanse to try and bring back what the party use to stand for, family,honor,integrity and democracy. Anyone up for re-election in the next 4 years voted out. They have stained the republican party beyond recognition. The have fueled hate and division in the United States. Remember Tim McVey, well the party, especially Mike Flynn have signaled thousands of McVeys that its ok to murder civilians because they don't like a 2 party system that legally voted in a Democrat. Don't think for one second that these wackos are going to ask people if you're republican or democrats before they start shooting or blow up buildings. The republican party has become a backward and dangerous party.

Those poor delusional mutants. But l don't get liberal "science" ?

Hypothetically lets say l was in college and l made it on the track and field team.

So all at once - l could say that l am a woman now and magically l can compete with actual women?

LIBERAL "SCIENCE" . Lets say l don't want to mess with my manly horomones or wear fruity outfits and make-up, and just dress like a normal dude. Yet l can still compete against women because l say l am a woman?

Frikin jacked up liberal madness.

People are so gawdam sick and tired of hearing about all the crazy lib backwards insanity.


Just ask that fake news genius Anderson Cooper at commy news network (CNN). Jesus Christ you talk about a deceiving corrupt lib liar. Or Jake (Fake) Tapper. Ya that dude aint no liar - or Blitzer or Lemon, or humpty dumpty looking dude. Yes CNN is a massive JOKE.

10ºEveryone seems to be focused on male to female transitions. The politics isn't following the science. Boys don't have an advantage until AFTER puberty. So, bringing up another whole can of worms, if hormone therapy begins before puberty there should be no advantage. That's just the science as presented. It doesn't solve the post puberty issue or Trans people who forgo hormone therapy. But another issue would be a female to male Trans person who DOES take hormone therapy forced to compete with girls. I don't have the answers but the comments here have nothing to do with science. It's good old fashioned bigotry. We won't find solutions if your real agenda has nothing to do with science.