Republicans are responsible for lack in voter confidence says Anderson Cooper

"The only reason there is any talk about a lack of confidence in the election regarding the vote is because the former President and his followers have pushed, and pushed and pushed the big lie," says Anderson Cooper as Republicans try to pass restrictive new voting measures.


The reason there is lack of confidence in the elections is that the entire world watched the democrats steal the election.

How much do people have to see with their own eyes before they turn the TV off?
There was so many things that happened it was obvious. First, these “news” actors said counting had stopped. Trump was well ahead at that time. But by 5am Trump was down. Then we see the graphs where Biden gets 100,000’s of votes in the middle of the night after we were told counting stopped. Republican poll watchers were kicked out in multiple cities(where they cheated). Windows were covered so no one could see what was going on. In Georgia they claimed there was a water main break and kicked everyone out except 4 people that stayed behind and pulled ballots from under the table and scanned the same ones multiple times. The water main break was actually a leaking urinal. There are hundreds of sworn affidavits from multiple states claiming fraud and illegal activity. There were machines that were caught switching votes from Republican to Democrat. Etc.

But yeah, it was the most secure and fair election ever.

Are there really people that believe that a guy that can’t speak a full sentence and that couldn’t get enough people at his rallies to fill a Walmart bathroom was the most popular President ever in the history of the United States of America??

How many times do these people on the “news” have to lie to you before you turn them off?

And, that there are HUGE discrepancies in the votes and mathematical anomalies that scientist say are impossible. Top that with over 1000 sworn affidavits attesting to fraud and the Dems and media 100% effort to suppress any effort to figure out how these issues came about and only report that there was zero fraud, which has never happed before.
And who are these “Trump Followers”? EveryoneI I know follow the policies he ran on and acted on. That is why is is liked and thanked. The leftest cultists think that everyone is part of some cult. But the rest of the country does not act like them, like lemmings.

Democrats need to get rid of filibuster. Then they need to get Sen.Manchin and Representative Simena on board with rest of Democrats instead of siding with corporate donors. Possibly send another Democrat (like Elizabeth Warren) to go to WV and explain We the People Act. Manchin has been telling his constituents about how great Act would be for them, then going back to Senate and saying that he would vote against it. Once Manchin is back to being part of Democratic party, then Democrats could use simple majority once filibuster is gone, or nuclear option is brought up for this. This needs to happen to protect the vote, that Texas officials (not including governor) have said are necessary. Must return confidence in elections which is soul of democracy. Elections are part of Constitution. Without free and fair elections, democracy cannot be preserved.

Who is lying? Is it easier to believe that people are dishonest enough to commit voter fraud or that a man as ignorant and hateful as Biden won without any help?

The reason there is lack of confidence in the election is that it's not transparent and it cannot be proven that our vote went to the person we voted for. We know fraud happened in the past, even when Trump was elected there was some as I recall. Are we to believe there was none in this election?

And even if there wasn't (but we all know there was), what is wrong with making the election process better? And restrictive doesn't mean people can't vote. It means if you are dead, it means if you have not registered PROPERLY, it means if you have already cast a vote that you are restricted from committing voter fraud.

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Notice from the editor of CNN:

All news reports on CNN are brought to you by the socialist democratic leadership ,financed by George Soros and the Chinese communist party ️We try to provide the highest quality of slanted,embellished and biased news ️Our manufactured outrage is second to none️
Our mission is complete brainwashing,please accept our news as factual,,even though each of our high paid pundit guest are hard core socialist democrats and every one of our sources are un named ️
The favorite news source for low brow knuckle dragging socialist morons️

They are not honest journalist,they are activist propagandist and profiteers️

There is no need for massive scale vote by mail.if you can go to the supermarket you can vote in person! Oh thats right the democrats want that to be the new norm. oh another pandemic next election season, You don't say... what an upset shocker. So now that you've been caught with election fraud on multiple fronts. you want to cry about the battleground States that aren't going to tolerate your bullshi. But wait theres more. Biden and Harris delebritly lowered our national security to let all these illegal aliens in, so they can hope to flip predominant republican States next election. Cats out of the bag, your stupidly was easy to snuff out. can someone make a wheres waldo poster on the back of milk cartons with kamalas face on it..

Republicans keep saying there were fraudulent votes but they didnt even have cases to show the courts. That is why their court cases were thrown out. Additionally, they won local races on the same ballots that they claim were fraudulent so I guess their election must be fraudulent too. It is foolish is to believe that almost millions of votes were fraudulent. Do they realize how much coordination it would take to fake that many votes? How much time it would take even with technology? How many thousands of people it would take? How many people would have to keep the secret? The notion is absurd. Neither political party is that savy. Their exploits always get revealed. The Republicans know that the majority of voters do not like their policies, so they want to ensure they keep power and control by choosing their voters, instead of their voters choosing them which is the way democracy is supposed to work. I think they have been taking too many lessons from dictators.

The fraud is overwhelming local, state Election Boards will thousands, millions of votes that couldn't be verified. Recounting votes wasn't the issue. It's not knowing how many folks voted who shouldn't have. Democrats took advantage of COVID. For their efforts I say kudos. But that doesn't mean we don't take proper steps to correct voting laws in each state. People who want to vote should do so through the proper means. Big one being verification. That's all this is. Nobody is trying to prevent folks of any color from voting. There's plenty of opportunity to vote no matter one's circumstance. CNN SUCKS!

10ºCNN has so many issues, beyond its blatant made up “stories” to push an anti America and agenda. CNN’s Toobin, who was caught masturbating during a zoom meeting, has still not been fired. Cuomo, who has been caught advising his criminal NY Governor brother on how to handle sexually crime allegations from over a dozen different’s no wonder During the primetime hours of 8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. (EST), CNN lost around 65% of its total viewers since January. In the critical 25-54 age demographic, the network lost 71% of its viewers for both the day and primetime. KARMA
