How has your life been affected by the color of your skin Learn more about the lasting consequences of the idea of White supremacy on an increasingly diverse nation in a new episode of #UnitedShades of America with W. Kamau Bell, Sunday at 10:15 p.m. ET/PT


CNN you can take your race baiting rhetoric and stick it up you A$$ !!!!

A person should not be judge by the color of their skin, but by their character. Just because someone looks like they are a bad person because of their outer appearance doesn’t mean they are. The media will keep doing anything to keep the divide going in this country.

The old saying “never judge a book by its cover” still holds true to this day. If the ones in this country are judging solely on skin color wether they are white or black, they are racist.

I am black. I am treated worse by people on the left than I am by white MAGA hat wearing people.

White supremacy is a conspiracy theory. There are a handful of them but the real issue is people like Kamau Bell, who promote racial division. They are not "sparking conversations" they are retaliating against white people for the sins of their ancestors, while hypocritically ignoring the sins of their own.

Race is only an issue because of this revenge fetish black people have. Instead of instilling the drive for education and appreciation of what they have, black people seek out an excuse for their shortcomings and complain that they don't have enough luxury goods.

This is the way it is. There is no other reality.

My whole life, blacks have been getting special opportunities denied to me as a white male. I have lived among blacks rioting and burning cities. I have had to pay inner cities for their housing. I have had to pay for inner city welfare for their food, rent and schools. I have had to compete against inner city subsidized Enterprise Zones. My insurance rates have had to cover auto theft as the cars were driven to inner city chop shops. I had to compete college scholarships against those created just for blacks and other minorities, and college diversity goals based not on skills, but skin color, and the same for job hiring and promotion. The list goes on and never seems to be recognized nor appreciated, and only keeps growing. Reparations have been in progress my whole life.

When African-Americans walk by me they stare at me because they’re scared or I don’t know what it is African-Americans treat white people differently and are racist towards them. I thought about it for a second they have a staring problem every time I’m in one of their neighborhoods or doing something around their areas they get scared or intimidated or something because like I said they just stare at you and then when you go to say hello they are taking back and almost freeze and don’t know what to do because its a civilized human being is that not normal in this world anymore

Because I am a white man that smokes I have been denied housing
It seems that smoking marijuana is okay but smoking tobacco is not
I have been denied a small business loan because I am not female nor black
Because I am white people automatically assume that I am racist black women will not date me because they assume I am not well endowed
Because I am white I have been made to think that I somehow owe a debt to society
For the things I work hard for all of my life
I've Been Told that men like me are no longer tolerated
And yet I built so many of the things that surround you my civil rights have violated I've been asked many times if I am vaccinated only to deny the question
When it is more likely a black person has not been vaccinated

Blaming white supremacy on everything is racist. If you can’t be bothered to work hard to get a good paid job then that is not a white persona fault. If you didn’t stay in school and educate yourself that is not a white persona fault. Need to stop with this racist rhetoric that white people are holding blacks people back when in fact black people are holding black people back. Too many black kids are being killed by other black kids in gangs and the black communities do nothing and that is not a white persona fault. Black kids these grow up and would rather be in the NBA or NFL because they can get rich from it.

Move out of the racist democrat controlled rat holes , and it won't be an issue . 60+ years of democrat oppression has destroyed the black family, trapped them in rat infested socialized housing, no jobs to Keep them chain to socialist dependency. Failed Jim Crow like schools with 8% graduation rates and 17% literacy rates. All resulting in murder as the number one cause of death for young black men 15-34 living in the democrat voting plantations.mass shootings every week. 1463 shot 272 murdered so far this year in just democrat controlled Chicago. All with illegal guns , none by NRA members, none by White Supremacy. . More blacks were murdered in Chicago during the 18 years of the Iraq Afghanistan wars than all the troops lost in both wars !! That's just One Racist Democrat controlled city think about it . Yet the Racist Democrat party fights against school choice for these poor black children, just like they fought against their freedom, property rights, citizenship rights, voting rights and civil rights. Because the corrupt teachers union money is way more important to the Racist Democrat party than these poor black children's lives . Yes systemic racism is alive and well in the democrat party. It's shameful
