The remains of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife are being removed from a Memphis park

Crews have started to remove the remains of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife from a Memphis park where a monument of him once stood.


Cant change history no matter how hard you try, that was us and that is a part of history like it or not? You idiots really think by taking down a statue you are going to change the course of history? Open your eyes and see how far this country has come sence then? We just had a black president and he could of never won without the white vote, there is no race problem today in the USA, is there racism on both sides? YES of course, and always will be, is our country racist, "hell no," the dem party and the media machine is, they are the ones brainwashing you into division, they are pushing the race card everyday until you believe it. All in the name of power... if you cant see that you are truly naive and need to wake up and find the truth and stop listening to the fake news media, racism is a tool in the democratic play book and they use it well, but they have played it to much now, most Americans have woke up and seen what they are doing, the tide will turn....

Ladies and gentlemen, there are no words to describe just how hotly my blood is boiling right now. The Forrest family and the Sons of Confederate Veterans have been pushed into this by the crooked courts who have refused to uphold the state's monument protection law. The dirtbag liberals not only are ripping General Forrest out of the ground, they are ripping his wife out of the ground as well. That is their definition of tolerance of diversity.

I want to vomit right now.

General Forrest's pre-war slave trading was a constitutionally protected legal practice (will the same liberals who condemn him for that also condemn abortion?), and there is no primary source material which says that he even was a member of the Ku Klux Klan (that was the first Klan, today's Klan is the third Klan), much less its first Grand Wizard. Liberals, if you all can't get it right, then don't say anything at all.

Do you all want to know the truth about General Forrest, folks? Here it is:


Excellent and its about time one of the most satisfying things I did when I was a teen was permanently stained a white marble wall of an old racist white mans store as a white girl my black and Hispanic friends were called names by him after school as we hung out. I remember one summer day it was Saturday very hot and he didn't open until 1 Sunday he owned a stationary store I went by myself at 11 pm with black marker and lipstick the humidity was my friend lol this was 1999 so I don't mind sharing his store was replaced in 2006 with a strip mall. So proud to say from 1999-2006 his pretty wall was ruined and he left us alone..Take all these ugly statues down..

How many of the people out there look like beige people how many I can't see all the rest of the crowd but most are beige when African American people are manipulated that's the wrong thing to do because they're trying to split you up United was Stronger Trump is the president he made 80% of the boats work for him will be back in August 15th until then we're going to be going through a lot of craziness and rioting hold tight Hold the Line love you family and protect them love your property take care of it will be there soon love always Stevie crazy buttons yes we think

For those snowflakes that keep saying "Democrats started the KKK"

Republicans freed the slaves... yet now millions of Republicans are actively voting for a man who pacified white nationalists... the kkk now openly and unapologetically with pride- voted for Trump.... so yesteryear parties have nothing to do with taking down a participation trophy of a sworn enemy of the US... he sought to kill thousands of US Soldiers ... but yea lets keep his statue up... while we are at it- let's throw Nazi and Japanese soldiers statues up as well... let's place a Taliban memorial by the World trade plaza....
Stop saying you support our Military if you are hurt about our enemy's monument!

This is part of Communist Cultural Revolution, canceling who does not fit into their agenda. Removing monuments avoid people to ask who was that person and which achievements were accomplished. Without provoking curiosity and making people learn their own history, then it’s easy to make people think they leave in the worst Country in the World. Consequently people will buy the idea of changing. But guess what, China already have operatives and bought Universities through huge donations in order to build “The Change” they want you to call for.
Preserve and conserve your history through monuments and historical landmarks. And be proud that even with a lot of mistakes that were made, USA is the greats country in the World. Be proud, and be humble in order to improve things around.
Change not always is the way to go.
But improvement has always a special room.
Do not be a easy pray for the China Cultural Revolution.

Fun fact: the majority of these monuments were made hollow and from extremely cheap material. A group called United Daughters of the Confederacy felt the need to crank them out en masse because former slaves now had rights and that was too scary for the white folks. They were mass produced and displayed everywhere (especially outside courthouses) to intimidate black people and remind them of “their place” in society. These are NOT worth keeping any way you look at it. And they’re not even that old, like Jim Crow era. If anything, put them in a museum where proper education and factual history can be taught. Leaving them where they are is condoning their original purpose...

I think this is a very, very, very bad decision. It is extremely crafty or ignorance of the highest magnitude. Does this negate the relatively young adage, "If you don't remember your history, you a bound to repeat it!" Erasing every vestigial remnant of Caucasian's bigotry and hate-filled past does nothing but enflame and justify (in their minds), their reactions. When all of these images (stones) are removed, they come alive in the hearts and minds of them that worship them, they dress-up in costumes called Police, and proceed to act-out their hatred; having the Law to establish their Godless murders and peoples with like minds at the ready to support them; under the auspices of "justified force", or "fearing for his life", with 3 guns, 2 knives, a night stick, 3 cans of pepper spray, a taser w/ extra battery and a commanding officer with a mouth full of excuses and accusations, before any investigation ensue. God intimates that Man, by nature, will get worse and worse. Attacking their icons, is attacking them. In their minds, there is no difference. Thinking one is solving a problem in this way, is counter productive. It takes God to change character.

I think that if the history of Nathan Bedford Forrest were known rather than the character assassination that has been published, this type of action would not be taking place. And maybe if the public would really examine the causes of the Civil War and understand it was not about slavery but about the right of states to secede from the Union. The South was being unfairly taxed by the North and with the election of Lincoln, the South didn’t see this getting any better. They tried to secede, and the war ensued. Remember, the emancipation proclamation was not issued until 1863. If the war was about slavery, it would have been issued at the beginning of the war.

10ºAnd a couple more things. Everyone running off at the mouth calling this the erasure of history, I'm going to clarify this for you.

The erasure of history involves so completely removing every trace of an occurrence from the public consciousness that it comes as a shock to even the people living within inches of it when it's rediscovered. See the Tulsa Race Massacre for a prime example of erased history.

Libraries have miles and miles of book stacks containing every gruesome bit of the history of the failed Confederate States and the war it waged for the express purpose of creating a country where the enslavement of black Americans was to continue forever. If the only history on the subject you're aware of is statuary erected long after the war (that lies about the nature of the war) then you are a pathetic excuse of a student.

Black Lives Matter is direct result of the legacy of the Confederate States' belief that black Americans are not fully human and are to be treated as such.