Supreme Court sides with police officer who improperly searched license plate database

The Supreme Court on Thursday narrowed the scope of a federal cybercrime law, holding that a policeman who improperly accessed a license plate database could not be charged under the law


“Lock Him Up”

When a poisonous snake
Becomes threatening
It is captured
And secured

When a far more deadly
Poisonous prior president
Remains threating
We pay his retirement
Provide his security
And televised visibility

“The Big Lie”

Do you wonder why
So many now die
It’s because Donald’s
Poisonous influence
We let slide by

As at mass shootings
Donald’s words become bullets
As Donnie-wannabes
Pull the triggers

Justified through the mindset
“If he raises the target
I will shoot it”

“If Donald can lie,
So can I”

“If Donald can abuse
So can I”

“If Donald can freely
Shoot deadly words
I can shoot deadly bullets”

So, like Humpty Dumpty
I’ll sit on Donald’s wall

Because I know indifference
Will never let him fall

Unless “we the people”
Step up
Demanding our legal system
“Lock him up” ~

Hey CNN, why do you cover Sim Jackers? It’s an illegal tactic utilized by local police departments.

Did you know that all of them robocalls, (example; car warranty calls) are really cops tracking your devices? These calls stem from them actually pinging all of your locations. YouTube “Sim Jacking” for more details. (This information that I am sharing comes straight from the horse’s mouth) feel free to checkout my IG page @mrallsmiles and see for yourselves the tactics these Sim Jackers utilize.

This is not a conspiracy theory, I speak from experience, research and the truth from the horses mouth. You want to go a step further, contact Apple and tell them you believe you have a Sim Jacker a.k.a hacker on your device. They will shift the blame on your phone’s provider.

#robocalls #localpolice #cops #policebrutality #simjacking #hack #hackeralert #share #shareit #passiton #telleveryone #iPhone #android #appleiphone #simjack #simjacker #privacyalert #appleihone #alldevicescanbehacked even Apple devices.

CNN and all other MSM news outlets should be ashamed right now!! You're a disgrace for what you've been keeping from the American population and now it's about to blow up in your face!! All of Fauci's emails have been leaked through the Freedom of Information Act and what was found was damning enough that Amazon and Barnes and Nobles pulled out his book! Msm did not ask 1 question about it during the Whitehouse pressor!! Why?? Because you are bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies!! Emails where he's recommending HCQ to his family and friends while telling the public that HCQ doesn't work, imagine all the lives that could have been saved? Open your eyes!! Over 3000 damning emails!! Read them for yourself and you will be appalled at the crimes against humanity that Fauci, MSM and politicians are guilty of! WAKE TF UP!!!

Good day everyone, l don’t normally post on social media, this is a great testimony l must share. Please read and share to others. I was diagnosed with herpes. for over 6 years and I have been taking ARV drugs but i wasn't really satisfied because I needed to get this virus out from my system completely. A friend of mine told me about a man called Dr maduka and showed me testimonies on how people talks about him. So l contact him and the good news is that i was totally cured from my herpes immediately i finished taking the herbal medicine been sent to me by dr maduka . Till this very moment i'm still negative to the virus, so I'm urging you to contact him for help and get cured if you are infected also with any disease or you have any health issues, you can get to him through his
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Dr Dr maduka herbal home

Hello, Americans. I have videos on my Facebook that are people who have to experience petrified supernatural entity and unpleasant poltergeist paranormal activity in the house or apartment. I believe nobody can really help them from despair and hopelessness but to leave the house or apartment. I believe the Chinese Buddha and Taoist Gods can help to solve this problematic situation. Why I am so confident about this because I have experience evil spirits curse when I was a kid playing in the playground in the evening time and have agony pain in my belly the next morning. And I was lucky living in a Chinese Community like those China Fuzhou, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia where there are Chinese Buddha and Taoist Gods spirits Mediumship will enter a Tanki his or her body to give us advice and yellow paper with written on it with blessing spell to cure the evil spirits curse. I know I have faced difficulties like Marco Polo who had gone to China to discover paper money was first invented and Marco Polo had a hard time convincing the Italian to believe in him the Chinese a brilliant social system.

I'm not a big fan of the Supreme Court these days, but I think they got this one right. I was particularly interested in the section of the article that mentioned how in the past the CFAA law has been invoked in cases involving website defacement and violations of terms of service (you know, those terms of service that you scroll past without reading). In these days where sampling a song or posting a cartoon can get a person in trouble, I'm not sure we need a broader interpretation of this law.

The bigger issue here is the issue of the trust we have in the people who manage our data. The individuals who process your credit card payments, manage your investments, handle the payroll where you work and update your medical history (just to name a few) must be held to high standards to ensure that your personal information is safeguarded. And when your personal data intersects with law enforcement, those standards must be even higher. Abuse of that trust must never be tolerated, because nothing will erode that trust more quickly.

In this case, the abuse was not tolerated. The cop was convicted (albeit not under the CFAA statute) and served time. Whether a six-month incarceration was sufficient punishment is a different discussion.

As small as this decision may seem to some Americans - well it's telling us a story of how the bedrock of our Republic is crumbling. It's either legal or it's illegal. This shading grey no that's not right. So - here's the thing all you who wear those robes need to ponder - Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States are required to take two oaths before they may execute the duties of their appointed office.
The Constitutional Oath: “I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
and The Judicial Oath: “I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”
hm....did you people SWEAR TO THESE? You did?
