More than a dozen cities push to minimize or even eliminate police presence at mental health calls

More than a dozen cities are developing "alternative" or "co-response" programs to minimize or eliminate the role of police officers responding to 911 calls involving mental health, homelessness, or substance abuse


There should be no "911 calls" related to homelessness, you solve homelessness with housing.

As for "mental health", I am openly a devotee of Dr. Peter Breggin and the later Dr. Thomas Szasz and I do not believe generally in the biomedical "chemical imbalance" model of psychiatry.

Personally, if you know what I find therapeutic it is not any drug (though cannabis is not a "drug") but you can go on Literotica and read my story "Jefferson's Therapy", actually I read through it, there were intended to be more chapters.

Sometimes a trip to Aspen or Key West is the best medicine.

- Andy Romagnano/2022 Democratic candidate for Florida House of Representatives District 2

Yes it is true. I was a client for Dr ONU and I must tell you that he is real spell caster. When my boyfriend left me it was turmet for 2 years. I met Dr ONU though a testimony also and he told me that no matter what the problem is he is ready to help anyone who comes to him. Just 15 hours my boyfriend called me and wanted to meet. I agreed and made preparations to meet him. He told me how he feels guilty for what he did and he wanted me back, my boyfriend has come back to me I am so excited for what Dr ONU did for me will recommend him to everyone. Contact his facebook page Dr ONU spiritual

赖清德上任三天后 中国绕台湾举行军演
台湾立法院星期五(5月24日)继续审理“国会改革法案”。公民团体延续星期二(21日)的民意热度,持续号召民众到立法院前集结。台北时间21:30(13:30 GMT),主办单位称,立法院及其周边有超过10万人集结。 立法院院会原订于18:00结束,但在傍晚,在野中国国民党团提议延后至午夜,在场其他立委也同意继续“挑灯夜战”。 一名不愿具名的退休人士向BBC中文表示,他特地从中部搭车来台北参加集会,表达他对国会具有调查权、听证权的担忧,担心亲中立委会因此传召民间企业到立法院,要求企业交出机密资料。29岁的简先生最担忧的是“没有逐条审查”,他认为“没有讨论就没有民主”,简单粗暴的少数服从多数并不