Analysis: Did Mike Pence just doom his 2024 chances?

On Thursday night, Pence may well have doomed (or at the very least hamstrung) his chances of emerging as the Republican presidential nominee in 2024 | Analysis by Chris Cillizza


LMAO… For what reason on gods green earth would any right thinking American that has connecting brain cells, vote for a cowards apprentice? For 4 dark dismal treacherous years, Mike Pence served a two-time impeached, racist neo-Nazi WS extremist occupier of the oval office who at the end of his administration called for his fascist radical followers to attack and Lynch Mike Pence and Mike Pence after having ran for his life had to be removed from the WH and taken to an undisclosed location to hide from the man he supported for years, no matter what, no matter what crimes he committed, no matter what lies he told, no matter what incendiary rhetoric he spewed, he supported him and now remain silent and complicit in his continued support of 45 and the rest of the Republican seditionist. No Mike Pence nobody wants your leader ship… We have had enough of you, you’re kind and you’re political party. We voted you’re a $$out and we mean, stay TFO!

Later dog Pence who enabled Donald? Hell no! Pence was in charge of the covid task force. He lied over and over again. He must want another chance at killing more of us. Pence is a weak example of leadership. Your ship sailed Pence when you couldn’t even enact the 25th against the crazy dementia patient Donald.

Pat yourself on your back some more Pence for both you and Donald being wrong. Cannot believe Pence is proud of the mess they created. But go ahead and boast away Mike.

I have never been more proud to be part of the “radical left” and say I voted for Biden. Biden is a real president and cares about the people in this country.

WAKE UP AMERICA! It’s time to stop blaming others! We had a GREAT President like him or not his record speaks for itself! You chose Biden/Harris who will DESTROY America as we know it. They will DE-Fund the police = take your guns = tax corporate = etc. You as an American should be concerned with these policies but it seems YOU are not! WHY? Support Your Local Police = Support Your Veterans = Support Your Elderly these are things you should be concerned about! DONATE and HELP! If you can. Stop the Media and Left RACIST stuff! Hey there are many people of ALL races in important jobs and positions and for Woman there are many woman in important jobs and positions!!!!! So STOP it with this Media and Left bull! Respect your country and HELP if you can and as Americans together WE can Have a BETTER America!!!!!
