Hate crimes, shooting incidents in New York City have surged since last year, NYPD data show

Hate crimes against Asian people in New York City have increased by 335% this year



In the events of the sixth of bloody January and which was based on the instigation of the terrorist criminal Donald Trump and his sons, and having seen what happened in the trial of terrorist criminal Donald Trump and the Republican party's bias towards this criminal, it is now necessary to classify the Republican Party as a corrupt party and the party of cowardly pimps who prefer their interests to the interest of the country. Therefore, the name of this party must be removed from the list of national parties and classified as a party seeking to install a dictator over the people and refer all its members who did not vote against the removal of the criminal Trump to trial. They've instigated an attempted coup against the US government. They're a terrorist organization now. What the terrorist criminal Donald Trump did should not be dropped by the end of his presidential term, because there was premeditated killing and an armed coup against power, whose punishment in all constitutions is execution by hanging to death. He must therefore be arrested immediately and pursued so that he cannot escape punishment.

Yang did better in that debate than people realize.

I would prefer a Puerto Rican be Mayor...my God it is time already, especially as we push statehood, but given the tendency in New York of "Italians vote Italian, Jews vote Jewish, Puerto Ricans vote Puerto Rican", the East Asian population is larger than it has been, and while he was called far left in 2020, Yang has run to the center in this race.

He will get more votes than Shaun Donovan in the primary, that's the reality, but in the first primary, his strongest borough will be Queens, that is my sense, Queens will be his bread and butter for much of this race
