A man who killed his wife on an Alaskan cruise after she demanded divorce was sentenced to 30 years in prison, federal prosecutors say

A Utah man who admitted to beating his wife to death aboard a cruise ship in Alaska in 2017 has been sentenced to 30 years in prison followed by five years of supervised release.



Sadly I bet if you look into it, this wasn't the first, or the 10th time she'd either reported abuse, or told family about it. I know this because my ex almost killed me, which is also the only reason he FINELY got arrested, after years of abuse, and numerous calls to police in Colorado. But Colorado ignored them all and he was never arrested once. No, not until we were on a weekend trip to Wyoming, where I almost met this poor womans fate.

Law enforcement doesn't take DV seriously, at all, and too many of us lose our lives for nothing less than some unwritten "bro code", and the ones that don't are left with PTSD, and an inability to get close to anyone ever again

I don’t support any kind of violence, I would suggest it’s always good to learn your partner and know how to bring about the divorce and prepare them to avoid snapping. Breaking up should be a process just as getting married is. Am sure it can save this evil violence from happening. Avoid waiting for a heated argument to put it out and if you suspect violence, leave when there is no fight and don’t return, discuss it on phone or with a friend or relative present if you suspect violence. Not on a vacation when someone thinks everything is ok then you drop the message. Human being snap. Just saying.

I am an analyst: I never missed seeing the exact picture. I will piece the puzzle together as follows:
Hearing the screams while in the room and telling the children don’t come in means the ff: they are in the privacy of their cabin of ship.
Don’t come means we need privacy. The man married the wife and have children is a fact. Now he cannot marry a wife unless he loved her. He does loves her. In the privacy of their cabin room, he needed sexual release. But there was no acoustic proof room and the sounds of screams are heared . Either the wife hasn’t eaten yet, then hitting the head with his fist I don’t buy that. He probably had an erection already but the wife is not ready. The foreplay may not be long enough, so she tried to move backward trying to avoid premature penetration and ended up hitting her head against the head board repeatedly with foreword and backward motion. Without time to have longer foreplay sex could be painful. So she tried to run away, but instead he grabbed her ankle and she fell forward hitting her head against something that knocked her head harder than he thought causing internal brain hemorrhage thus the cause of death. I do not think he wants to break her head. Because in the presence of the children he don’t think he have enough time for foreplay without the prospect of getting intercepted or interrupted. I have treated several trauma patients not to know the possibilities. But as diagnostic is one of my specialties- I can analyze the situation.
