The Texas valedictorian who went off-script to slam a new abortion law has no regrets

A Texas valedictorian, Paxton Smith, went off-script to slam a new abortion law in the state. She tells Chris Cuomo that even when officials threatened her diploma she did not “feel regret about what I said.”


I just watched the graduation video.
Paxton Smith did a great disservice to her fellow graduating student body. The purpose of a valedictorian speech is to reminesce and to encourage students, challenging them to live their best future. It was not intended for a self indulgent rant about a cause that she holds close. How selfish. She made that clear, repeatedly using "me" instead of "our." She spoke of her fear about an unwanted pregnancy ruining her life, acting like pregnancy resulting from rape is a common occurrence. In reality, the chance is documented at 1-5%, depending on the source referenced. She made it clear that an unwanted pregnancy, ie, human life, is not to be respected. Paxton, I challenge you to think outside your bubble. There are many in the world (I'm pretty certain many in your graduating class), that do not share your stand on abortion. Take responsibility for your actions and abstain from sex-an almost certain way of preventing pregnancy.

Being valedictorian is both an honor and a responsibility. Being voted valedictorian means that fellow students have chosen you to be their voice at graduation, that is an honor. The responsibility is to represent all graduating students during their convocation in reflecting on their years at high school, their dreams , their ambitions. While I don’t disagree with this young woman’s point of view, this is not the right the right forum for this speech. She has done her fellow graduates a disservice by making her valedictorian speech about her moral and political views and this totally overshadows what the commencement speech should be about - reflection on their years at school, their hopes, their dreams, their successes.

赖清德上任三天后 中国绕台湾举行军演
台湾立法院星期五(5月24日)继续审理“国会改革法案”。公民团体延续星期二(21日)的民意热度,持续号召民众到立法院前集结。台北时间21:30(13:30 GMT),主办单位称,立法院及其周边有超过10万人集结。 立法院院会原订于18:00结束,但在傍晚,在野中国国民党团提议延后至午夜,在场其他立委也同意继续“挑灯夜战”。 一名不愿具名的退休人士向BBC中文表示,他特地从中部搭车来台北参加集会,表达他对国会具有调查权、听证权的担忧,担心亲中立委会因此传召民间企业到立法院,要求企业交出机密资料。29岁的简先生最担忧的是“没有逐条审查”,他认为“没有讨论就没有民主”,简单粗暴的少数服从多数并不