Racism doesn’t have to be personal to be devastating. Join W. Kamau Bell to find out why becoming a majority may not necessarily translate to more power for people of color in a new episode of #UnitedShades of America, Sunday at 10:15 p.m. ET/PT



Crooked Asian & Crooked African American are the worse.. They lie and manipulate their races for money and career advancement In the democrats party on behalf of the creators of racism in America , White Democrat's
I love seeing White Democrat's today act like their not racist and that they have nothing to do with racism in America when they created it here!..
It's funny to watch them try to imprint their history, mindset and methods onto Republicans.. They get away with that (BATE & SWITCH) jod because most Republicans are none confrontational politically..
Also, They're able to pull off these " Big Lie" with the aid of Crooked Asians & African American Uncle Tim types.. Now These Black Democrats "con" the black community into supporting the party that fought against everything that's near & dear to us.. Democrats fought against the Civil Rights, The Emancipation Proclamation, and their fought against Desegregation..
