What have you learned about racial privilege in America in the past year Join W. Kamau Bell and learn about how White privilege is just the tip of the iceberg on a new episode of #UnitedShades of America, tonight at 10:15 p.m. ET/PT



There's no such thing as white privilege. That's way too broad. The color of my skin may give me a slight advantage in some areas of life, but at the individual level there's no way to say in any particular instance that things would have happened differently if I were not white, or not a man. I'm poor and uneducated and non-working. "The system" doesn't like me much more than they like a poor, uneducated, non-working black person. The issue most refer to as white privilege is the exploitation of the systemic prejudice and racism that exists in "the system" by white people who have the expectation of privilege. The issue is intent. If I try to flex my "white muscle" (to get a job, a better price, or even my position in line at a convenience store) that's using white privilege. If a cop doesn't pull me over when potentially a stop would have occurred were I a person of color (again there's no way of knowing what would have happened in any particular incident), that is a completely different mechanism and does not reflect the kind of person that I described first. Whatever "white privilege" has been given to me, I certainly didn't ask for it, and I never use it. If I ever found out I was treated differently, let's say I got a job over someone of color or a non-hetero or non-binary or a Muslim (etc), I would expose the injustice and do what I could to make it right. Unfortunately, if and when I do receive privilege from someone else, it's nearly impossible to know that is what's happening. Instead of making this a white problem we should focus on the specific problem: Affluent, racist white men who control the system in which this behavior is allowed to thrive relatively unchecked.

WHAT IS WHITE PRIVILEGE? White privilege has nothing to do with status, class or wealth. White privilege in America is the idea that just by virtue of being a white person of any status, you’re part of the dominant cultural group in America, which tends to be respected, assumed the best of, and given the benefit of the doubt. White Privilege involves privileges given to white people beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white people under the same social, political, or economic circumstances.. White privilege involves not being constantly portrayed as criminals in the news media via racist propaganda. White privilege involves not being second guessed when you go into a bank for a business loan.

White privilege involves being able to move anywhere without someone questioning whether you will bring down property values. White privilege involves not being discriminated against based on the actions of a few bad apples in your race. White privilege involves not having anyone doubt your people's contributions to history or mankind. White privilege is the level of societal advantage that comes with being seen as the norm in America. White privilege is something you would barely notice unless it were suddenly taken away — or unless it had never applied to you in the first place.

Okay so here it goes. Let me explain white privilege to white people. What the whole world sees. This might go over some of y'all heads and some of y'all might say let it go. And some of y'all might have this look on y'all face. Remember when black people was marching in the streets back in the mid to late 60’s for their rights to vote and to be treated equally. Some of them got attacked by white cops. Either they sprayed them with water or they had the dogs attack them.
Keywords: voting rights and equality

January 6 2021
Attack on Capitol Hill
No need to say the rest.

You be you. God gave america to the people to be free. You can take your education and business ventures as far as your smarts and dedication will take you. You go girl. America did it and there was no privilege. It’s called hard work. In fact you don’t even have to go to college to do great things and retire early. Ask America’s teachers to start teaching again. Victimhood gets bad results and passes blame onto those that choose hard work and refuse to quit. Get ya some. God bless the greatest nation in the world. Worked for me. No privilege here. Worked my rear end off. The only privilege am willing to give up is the educating those that don’t believe in

(WHITE PRIVILEGE) The Free Market Did Not Create The White Middle Class And White Suburbs in America After The Great Depress; The Federal Government Did! The US government created the white middle class and the white suburbs in the 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's via $10 trillion (today's value) in handouts, housing grants, land grants, subsidies, low interest loans and financial stimulus while simultaneously redlining the Black community and regulating them to ghettos. The illusion that white people built a large percentage of their wealth by pulling themselves up by the bootstraps is not true. The majority of their parents/grandparents/great-grandparents were given houses and land by the government while Black people were denied the same advantage. It was never the case that a white asset-based middle class simply emerged. It was government policy, and to some extent literal government giveaways, that provided whites with the finance, education, land and infrastructure to accumulate and pass down wealth.

The Federal government sponsored and underwrote the development of whites only suburbs all over the country. Average whites were given grants to buy homes. The first all white suburban communities around the country were built after WWII by William Levitt and were called Levittowns. Black veterans and Black working class people who could afford to live in these towns were prohibited from doing so. The government benefited White American citizens in a big way. Tens of Millions of average White American citizens were provided with the bedrock of wealth. They were given land & homes (heirlooms) which appreciated in value and from which people still benefit today. Government social programs have been in place for White people in America since the 1600’s (Headright program giving land and tools to settlers). The FHA loan program was created for White people and was almost exclusively used by White people for about 30 years. It was government intervention that created a white, asset-based middle class. The New Deal programs that created the white middle class were only politically viable so much as the massive, federally directed redistribution of government wealth went to white people. Social Security excluded most Black people for decades (domestic workers and agricultural workers were excluded). The GI Bill was also for White people for many years since schools could refuse to admit Black veterans despite the G.I. Bill.

I have learned that I have no privilege.
I pay my bills like everyone.
I have to work for anything I want.
I pay my taxes.
No one has ever given me anything for nothing.
When I have been stopped by the police for speeding, I have had to pay my fine as it was my fault and I took ownership.
Never have been given preferential treatment and I have worked for people of different races and genders.
In the end, your life is what you make it, no one else is to blame for your circumstances and we are all responsible for our own actions.

Such BS! I've never seen white privilege! I've had to work hard all my life to just get by. I went 11 YEARS to college & owe $30,000 in loans. I didn't get a free ride to college like my blacks friends did. I was rejected for jobs because they hired lesser qualified candidates who were black. I tried to open a low cost Urgent Care but was denied because I was white. A black woman with no experience was given a job that I had 30 years experience doing! I've been discriminated against for government assistance when I fell on hard times because I wasn't black. I WISH I was black. My life would be sooooo much easier.

My white privilege was starting work at 15. Living on my own at 16 with 2 months of those being in my truck while finishing high school. Working and managing fast food while going to college for 9 years and obtaining 2 masters degrees on my own without a dollar of government assistance because I made too much working at a Burger King while seeing minorities getting all kinds of grants because of there skin color. Oh this white privilege. SMH. It’s America no one cares about skin color it’s about working hard and making something of yourself. Quit making people think they are a victim.

In reference to the phrase "white fragility," Martin Luther King Jr. made the following statement in one of his speeches: "Large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice, equality and humanity." Sadly, white fragility prevents a myriad of white conservatives from discussing issues of systemic racism. They become triggered and angry whenever anyone challenges their assumptions on race and dismisses their ideals about a non existent post-racial American utopia. Moreover, many conservatives feel that they're personally under attack when legitimate issues of anti-Black American racism are raised. Their defense mechanism is to find ways to blame the victims of systemic racism. They will go so far as to belittle the victims by telling them to "stop playing victim." And ironically, some white conservatives will even claim that Black folks who speak out about racism are "the racist ones themselves."


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