Facebook says Trump now suspended until at least January 2023

Facebook has announced that former President Donald Trump would be suspended from its platform until at least January 2023 — two years from when he was initially suspended



trump and all republicans want a civil war, with demacrates. May as well bring it on, be careful what you ask for. Your wealthy plush life style you republicans' live will be turned on it's head, dems do not want this but, this is where this is heading. Every trumper that entered the capital needs to be stripped of American citizenship, denounce, and sent back to Europe. Republicans need to stop going to church. Start your day with your god and worship your god trump. May the Lord forgive you this is a sin. Ten commandments. Thow shall not worship faulse gods.

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Trump was our FIRST INDEPENDENT PRESIDENT. President Trump's more popular and powerful now than he's ever been before. The Liberal Marxist Democrats have to make Trump into some kind of villain because if he is ever allowed to be a great leader of Conservative Thought the enemy will lose all their hope of destroying America. A Great Conservative Leader is the only hope to stop America from being turned EuroTrash Communist. And THAT is what CNN and all the Democrats are trying very hard to bring about.
A Hero Personality like President Donald Trump MUST be destroyed or they have no hope, no matter how much they have to lie and fantasize about his ultimate demise. We need Trump back this one is destroying our country.

Yet Maxine Waters, Cynthia Johnson and Madonna are all still free to call for attacks on Republican.
1. Maxine called for her supporters to hurt Republicans if they see them out and about.
2. Cynthia Johnson went live on Facebook calling for her Army of supporters to physically attacks Trump supporters.
3. Madonna called for the assassination of Trump by blowing up the White House.
4. John Sullivan founder of Insurgence USA and leftist and BLM supporter was allowed to freely call for assassination of Trump by storming the White House and dragging Trump out.
5. BLM founders and members have called on blacks people to go to any shop and take what they want in place of reparations.
6. Chris Cuomo, CNN’s own corrupt reporter stated - where does it say protests have to be peaceful meaning he was in favour of innocent peoples businesses and livelihoods being destroyed.

CNN approved of every single riot and destruction during 2020 which these riots included murder of innocent people. Yet when thousand descended upon the Capitol is was called Insurrection. Yet when BLM attacked and stormed Iowa and Oklahoma state Capitol buildings to stop voting on bills they didn’t like CNN did not mention anything.

CNN are part of the problem and when you have lost almost 70% of your viewers just shows how corrupt this network is