Supreme Court rules against immigrants in temporary status seeking green cards

JUST IN: The Supreme Court blocks non-citizens who are in the US under a temporary status program from applying for green cards if they entered unlawfully


How much does it cost the US taxpayer to worry so much about keeping immigrants, "legal" or otherwise, from coming into our country to make a better life for themselves. How much does it cost our immigration court system? How much does it cost to maintain immigrant prisons at the border? How much does it cost to maintain personnel whose job it is to keep people out, chase them down, or otherwise. Why do we do this? The majority of people coming to this country become taxpayers often with none of the benefits. They are just happy to be here.
This country is becoming ever more hostile, uncaring, bigoted, ignorant. Not feeling terribly proud right now.

So, to get here legally, you have to jump through hoops and wait and wait and wait:

You’re in a country where you literally fear for your life from your own government or because the country has been destroyed. In some cases, just applying officially will get you killed so, you apply to come here then end up dead. It’s basically committing suicide to apply legally.

Only option is to get here another way. You finally get here and live, work, pay taxes, contribute to the economy, etc for YEARS. You ask for legal status and are told “nope. Not interested”.

Yea……makes perfect sense.

With a broken immigration system that's not letting anyone in at the moment.. and thats the way some in this country feel to stop immigration all together. Maybe the greatest part of this country has been immigration and desperate families can't wait. There's a lottery even so they're supposed to wait and live in chronic poverty and corruption?? Did Europeans wait to come to America, no they came here by the boat load. And only way to get asylum is to have ur foot on usa soil so what is the right way to come?? This is racism this is wrong and this is victimizing poor desperate people fleeing oppression.

He urged the court to defer to the position taken by the agency in the case and he noted that there are "tens of thousands" of TPS holders who have adjusted their status, but they had been lawfully admitted as a student or an au pair or a temporary worker. He said that TPS holders know that it is a temporary form of relief from removal and that it "will not last forever." At an early point in the case, the Trump administration had argued that those in the TPS program could never try to get green cards. The Biden administration's position leaves open the opportunity for the government to change its mind.

When we study US history in school, we learn that our country was founded by immigrants and we stole the land from the Indians who taught us how to live off the land as well as how to survive the harsh temperature’s the immigrants were not accomplished to... we built this country as a country for the land of the free and the brave... the only true Americans are the Indians which most of them are gone... we may have Indian blood in us but we are mixed with many other cultures as well... when did we become hypocrites? Is America not called the melting pot? We should provide a legal pathway for the millions of people who are here with hope of a better life for themselves as well as their family...

I came to this country from a wealthy country with the means to go thru the process lawfully. My sentiment on initial reaction is, everyone should do it this way too, to be fair. But the world isn't fair. It isn't fair to expect people from poor countries where they are being targeted with violence and harm to go thru that same process. In fact, this country was built by people coming here to escape such thing. America needs to live up to it's own values that it proclaims to have. People need to VOTE to support laws that support the values written on the statue of liberty in New York harbor that welcomes those seeking a better life in the land of equal treatment under the law.

girl i know left Canada and went to the US to meet a guy from an Arab singles site online, she is Arab background also, stayed there in NY state illegally, got married, had 2 kids, 7 years later decided to come back to Canada and bring her husband with her to see her family, they arrested both of them at the border, she had no idea he was in the US illegally too....she is here in Canada with 2 kids on welfare for over a year banned from the US, and her husband is in a US jail still waiting to be deported...pretty messed up illegally...

People/racists say do it the right way when it comes to immigration. The problem is that the "right way" no longer exists. Most of the programs and legal avenues for immigration, especially those that helped immigrants from Mexico, Central, and South America were dismantled in the 60s. During the Trump regime immigrants couldn't claim asylum at the boarder, which is a legal process. The Supreme Court says immigration falls under Congress, which it should, however the Republicans have been fighting any immigration reforms for the past four decades. Obama was willing to work with them but they refused to come to the table. To be fair it was the Democrats that shut down the immigration programs in the 60s..

Am here to denounce the e-verify system used by some US employers to get rip of their employees.
In 2014, I was e-verfied by my company ( i worked 23 yars in the US ., 13 years for that company) after j sued them for wrongfuly deducting money weekly from check., and got reambersed.
Months alter j received a message on my Phone from the USCIS which stated that my SSN could not allow me to work in the US,.
M'y company did fake m'y SSN by omiting a number , and my name as well.
I received the letter sent weeks later by USCIS in Senegal from my roomate .
I létt the US right after that . I could not take it anymorre

10ºIllegal entry into the United States going around our legal immigration system or making false and fraudulent claims shouldn't be rewarded but it has been just think of the amount of people that said at the border they have relatives here but those relatives refuse to use the immigration system to bring loved ones here like everybody else but why would they do that when the government has already let people into the country after they went around the system just think people abroad have to get all of their paperwork requirements and conditions met before they're even granted permission to get on a plane to come here and the best that so-called dreamers are ever going to get it's permanent resident status that's it have a nice day
