Jeff Bezos is going to space

JUST IN: Jeff Bezos will be flying to space on the first crewed flight of the New Shepard, the rocket ship made by his space company, Blue Origin. The flight is scheduled for July 20th, just 15 days after he is set to resign as CEO of Amazon.


Its amazing how life is treating me now compared to my past days never believed i will see light one day or will ever bear a smile on my face never even realized people with extreme power existed on this planet anyway but my life changed for just consulting, here goes the story of happiness in my life. My husband used to drink a lot and he could beat me up for no reason, I tried to settle matters with him but he kept a deaf ear the worst thing was that I had failed to give him kids, I conceived twice but had miscarriages this made all his family to hate me and considered me as a person with bad luck but in reality I wanted to have kids so much. I looked for help in many places. Some used to tell me they could see darkness around my life and others could say bad luck while others could not give a serious reason behind my problems. They all used to promise me good results but none could deliver, I lost hope and trust in everyone because all could not make any sense. Most of the times when hardships come to us friends are few I was left alone crying everyday and as a result I lost my job because I couldn't perform well. Many friends left me and my husband filed a divorce and I became a laughing stock but I never lost hope. It was last year when I saw people writing about Mama Lisa+27794327901 and I felt interested to contact her one more time and she charged consultation. I made my problems known to Mama who advised me to be cleansed from all that was making me suffer and to open up my luck in everything I do. I was asked to buy materials to help me which I did we begun the prayer and results were delivered in three days. I thought it would be so easy but some stones remained un-turned till last week when my husband apologized for all he has been doing, he confessed for cheating and I forgave him and finally when i went for the check up and the Dr confirmed that am three weeks pregnant with no complications. Am hoping to be a mother soon . Thanks Mama, my finances are greatly improving because of your prayers. Anyone with a related issue, you can call or whats-app Mama Lisa +27794327901.

Sure, why not? Private Enterprise, remember? Perfect example of so many things that are both right and wrong with our thought processes. For investors, he is putting his money (and person) where his mouth is and that his company is visionary and will take us forward to the future. For space watchers, he is showing space is safe for anybody (we shall see). He is fulfilling a childhood fantasy. For those of us planted here on earth without billions, we see what humanitarian good could be done with that money and the technologies his company has developed. And for the technophobs, this creates further fear that our reliance on technology may well lead to a "wall-e" (movie) kind of future. Admittedly, if it manages to occur, it will be another turning point.

Dear Jeff, please consider adding me to your will before your fly off to space....I would love to know what it is like to never have to live on a budget for the remainder of my life or to never again be concerned about paying for health care let alone Christmas gifts for my grandchildren. I also would love to be able to leave something to them when its time for me to fly off to space(not in the same way you are going).I do hope you enjoy your trip and I do not obtain my wishes of wealth at your expense dear sir. Safe voyage to you and the rest of the crew and when you return I would say Welcome to Earth.

You beat Tom Cruise Jeff Bezoz. He was going to film on a Space Station. Immediately seeing this reminds me of a great Movie called Contact with Jodi Foster in a great Movies scene where she's talking to Billionaire Corporate CEO Mr. Haddon of Haddon Industries who finances her journey into Outer Space traveling through Worm Holes that we call Black Holes and she thinks is some kind of transport system in Outer Space. She plays Scientist Dr. Ellie. An excellent Movie. Google this on You Tube for that Scene (Contact, Wanna take a ride?) And Google this too to see the work hole scene (Contact Space Travel).

Hahahahaha jeff wanna break the first record of the first wealthy man to space, this is really annoying on our side but extremely fascinating on his side, though i think he wants fame for the second time.But i think jeff u are suppose to be impeccable and make ur grand child to make ur dream come true via making him a usable scientists or engineer bcs we want very reasonable and usable calm young youth not ones that spends decades on earth.I think you should despair on this mission and continue ur amazon business bcs u are too old for space.This is extremely hilarious.

Doesnt really matter who it is that goes ,we wont hear anything that is really going on up there as we only need to know what they figure we need to there any chance of these space ships getting lost and another thing l would like to know is who's gonna clean up the space in space or will our Gov. Do with the refuge the same as they do with our oceans and lakes.just scap it where ever they see fit and the next Generations to clean up the mess just like we are cleaning up the mess that has been made before us.And what a mess we got to clean up now

i kind of laugh at the comment what he should do with his money so i decided to close my eyes and i think if i had that kind of money and what i would do with it and oh boy was i thinking thinking thinking an the answer i came up with is do all the fun stuff the world offers isn't that what we really work for so more money you have the more crazy things you wanna do so think for a moment would you give all your money away and not being able to do the fun stuff you'd wanna do in life i think not so what i'm really trying to say is think for a moment and I bet you 99% of you would do the same thing with your money he does he does just in a different form and this is coming from somebody that lives in a 12 by 12 room and doesn't have two nickels to rub together OK haters kill me dead on my comment

What a horrendous man!! I saw an interview with him a few years ago, in which he was asked. What do you do with all your money, isn't it impossible to spend? And he said, yes pretty much, the only thing I can think of to spend it on, is space travel. Not, well I'm going to make my staff the best paid, best looked after in the industry. Or well actually I've just invested 200 billion in, hospitals, just for people who are struggling financially and can't afford health care. Or I've just created a sanctuary for the world's vulnerable children. Nope.. Space travel, that's all he could think of. Hopefully, he'll get stuck up there!

hi Jeff before you go will you direct your development team in SA the city of cape town the site for Amazons new head office is a indigenouse histrrical site part of the first peopel history of the first landing i send a proposal to the city council planning commitee member Marian-Nieuwoudt and to Amazon's head office in the USA my proposal an over view is for the open span across the riverbanks of the Liecbek river and channel system this free space on and over the river be utilise by rising the footing post and beam colums srtucture 2 meters above the verge edge of the channel to be build on to provide shopping malls apartments hotels social housing for your workers a theather entertainment zone swimming pools indoor basket ball dome sporting complex an indiginouse cultural museum all linked with a light mono rail transport system all this on reclaiming the free space over and above the river channel system turning the site into and open public community park with sporting fields and a publc baths with sauna's hot spars skate park a great project that reflect the CEO'S vision on doing thongs the right way and with great future vision that add value and will become an unguic head office on the African continent a great PR scoop for an first entrey development a world class project in a win -win -win situation an equally great feat as a first given we hope for the CEO'S intrevention before taking of to mars

10ºAs this man is able to take a so called "joy ride" into space. The corralled docile masses continue to strive each ending day in a sweatshop in this world controlled by the higher-up elites. This is just a prime example of what your broken backs and cracked dry soar hands has brought you, "The People." Agony in a world where no one cares about your well-being. For this absurd hypocrisy cannot be put into words. Only the peoples eyes that look upon and gaze for themselves can truly see that this man only cares about his well being. The greed and lust for power. The inevitable fail of capitalism from within as all the money in the world is funneled to a select few. All for the personal enjoyment of their life activities. As you the people only grow poorer. Further in debt by these elites that are capable of moving mountains with the wealth made by you.

For the vast majority of people living around the world in modern countries that utilize capitalism as the main source of economic stability.

Over the past few decades, "we the people." Are gradually starting to become more aware and realize that the capitalist so called, "trickle down effect." Has never truley worked. While also the so called, "Robin Hood Effect." -By taxing the wealthy and giving back the earnings taken from the wealthy to the poor. As of now, neither system of distribution of wealth has worked to progress the majority of people in our society as an entire whole. As seen within some of the cities goverments within the United States and other countries throughout the world that are growing further increasingly in debt. This effort by the elected politicians in an attempt to maintain the people and the infrastructure within.

Government will always grow in size as corporations and/or businesses dwindle down their labor and material costs. This unfortunate side effect to only make that one extra buck in the name of capitalism. For the greed and lust of mankind's envy to succeed higher in life will always bring the demise of the system in place. To support those that do not work, will always bring the heartfelt emotional response of those that care for the unemployed people.

This cause and effect actions will inevitably cause the collapse of capitalism from within.

A free and "fair" market is and will always be the answer. Jobs capable of supporting the workers families without government support.

"Capitalism is suppose to function as a splended gift to all in society." So that oneself or a society can advance by new innovations and creations. By an individuals hard work and determination. To be able to fail or to succeed in their accomplishments. Without the intervention or persecution of others interfereing with the goals set fourth. What works and what does not work. The right to choose where to work and where not to work. Who to hire and who not to hire. How much to pay and how little to pay in order to make a profit or for the purchase of goods and services.

"Throughout history the lust and greed for material objects has always currupted mankind's soul. The power to control the masses. The need to hoard all for themselves."

Capitalism at its finest. To use the laborer up till nothing is left. Then replace the laborer with another laborer. Like a cog in a wheel, "gear set." The people are expendable by the higher-up elites that are in control of all the economic wealth made by, "we the people."

This diminishing effect upon the working class has been going on for centuries and it shall never end.

Pay them the minimum but expect the most productivity as possible. If not replace them with another.
