Covid-19 medical bills have left many in debt

Americans who survived serious bouts of Covid-19 are finding themselves saddled with crippling medical bills to cover their treatment


Hi, my name is Rene, I live in Canada. My husband went to an Orthopaedic surgeon in October 2020, for his shoulder, that Surgeon had a consult with another Surgeon to have his shoulder reconstructed. It took a few months to confer and this week he goes to that specialist , his operation will be in a week. all is covered, medications, physio, occupational therapy and all Done in a few days at no cost to us. He continues his physio therapy at home. The therapist comes to our home for a short time and than you carry on alone. We have no cost, we have higher taxes but we don’t notice that and we still live well. Our Doctors are pretty awesome. Every Province is different but the same idea.

I think this virus has been horrible enough and we had nothing to do with getting it!! Not only did many families lose a loved one but, now owe tons of money or lose their home!!
Why should we suffer the consequences of this virus?
First punish the responsible party that did not inform the U.S. soon enough. Then hold Donald Trump responsible for not telling the public when he found out and downplayed how serious this was and do something about it sooner!!
Everything about this virus has been delayed because it's been about Republicans and Democrats can't come to agree even on our lives!!! Grow up and do the job you are paid for!!
I bet not 1 person in government lost their job , home, or paycheck due to this virus, yet the public you are suppose to serve and protect are still suffering.

True. Testimonies from local patients here who had been through the ICU treatments of Covid-19, had always this estimated near Php1M (equiv:($20K) total amount of medical services expenses with some of the meds in thousands peso value. One close friend intimated that even the meds were hard to accessed to because the supply must come from health facilities to another. That famous Remdesivir drug costs more than Php8K(equiv: less than $200) is one of them. While the scourge of being intubated shall pass from your physical concern, some who are hit by the disease more seriously has to spend on high cost medication. Little did the majority public realize this hard and sad fact that they treat the pandemic as just one of those things until perhaps it hits them hard and sad like this.

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Thank God I live in the UK. Thank God for the National Health Service. Didn't Obama try and do something in comparison for Americans though and then that was scrapped by Trump? Not being American I don't follow US politics too deeply but I recall he did something to help those who couldn't get health insurance easily.

Either way this is a international pandemic. Each government had a responsibility to make sure it's citizens remained protected, safe and well. It should be the first duty of any Government.

It's stated on the statue of liberty, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"

In this case clearly not.

Any covid related bills should be written off or covered by your government.

$10,000 is NOT "crippling debt".
Holy cow, people. Dont listen to this CNN poop. If you get a bill for ANY AMOUNT from your Medical Center, call the finance department, tell them that your insurance didnt cover the entire amount, work out a "final amount" that you have to pay out of pocket, and then work out a payment schedule for it.
As for the lady in the article who had covid but hasnt seen a Dr in a year because she "couldnt afford it": if your DR - IN FACT - wont see you, go to the emergency room. They can NOT turn you away.
This CNN faux news/fear mongering poop is what's going to kill you - NOT "the covid"

I didn’t used to think a single payer system was the way to go, I still don’t think single payer is exactly the way to go. However, our system current is broken beyond repair. There’s no way to fix it, it’s too far gone. How many people are going to go bankrupt or die because they can’t afford treatment?

What I would like to see is a system funded mostly by corporate taxes (you know, instead the billions corporations pay for employee insurance plans now). I’d like to see hospitals and clinics funded by those taxes, and overseen by a local board that is locally elected and locally accountable. I would like to see accountability for charges. 600.00 for IV therapy when you’re having surgery is ridiculous

Exactly.. Even though I had insurance, the treatments, testing, hospitals I visited, nothing was 100% covered. I met my annual deductible in one day, at one hospital alone (I ended up at three different hospitals in 24hrs) I lost my job to COVID, had to take a significant cut in pay to find work and we’re still gathering our footing just on that alone. Add in medical bills and now what do you do?!?! Take one day at a time, negotiate payment and don’t let it stress you out. You can only do what you can the best that you can...

HUMAN RIGHTS - Where’s FAUCI? 3.5 Million DEAD.
• 6/6/21: 'Rare' Genome Sequencing Almost Certainly Proves COVID-19 was DELIBERATELY MADE in a Chinese Lab Before it Leaked to the World, US Experts Claim in BOMBSHELL ESSAY - “Dr. Stephen Quay and Richard Muller, a physics professor at the University of California Berkeley, made the claim in The Wall Street Journal on Sunday, amid growing speculation that the coronavirus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).
'The most compelling reason to favor the lab leak hypothesis is firmly based in science,' the experts wrote, stating that 'COVID-19 has a genetic footprint that has never been observed in a natural coronavirus.'
Quay and Muller assert that the Wuhan lab was known for conducting 'gain-of-function' research where scientists would 'intentionally supercharge viruses to increase lethality'.
COVID-19 has the genome sequencing 'CGG-CGG' - one of 36 sequencing patterns. That combination is commonly used by scientists in gain-of-function research, but is otherwise considered extremely 'rare'.
The experts assert that no naturally occurring coronavirus - such as SARS or MERS - has ever had a CGG-CGG combination.
'The CGG-CGG combination has never been found naturally. That means the common method of viruses picking up new skills, called recombination, cannot operate here,' they wrote. Report CONTINUES... ———>
