CDC study finds coronavirus vaccines lead to milder disease in rare breakthrough infections

Fully vaccinated people are more than 90% protected against infection, a new CDC study shows. But if they do become infected, experts say they have milder Covid-19 illness than unvaccinated people.


Why do people struggle to comprehend the most basic problem with this assertion?

They make this claim of “milder breakthrough cases”, which sounds great but it conveniently omits the fact that this is virtually impossible to prove!!! Let’s not forget that this outcome is a possibility for covid patients, with OR without the vaccine! This is part of the mystery associated with covid anyways!!!! Some people get hit hard and some people never even know they had it. And you guessed it, people can Also experience any level of symptoms or severity In-between these two extremes. So if you come down with a “mild” case, who’s to say it has anything to do with the vaccine and everything to do with sheer luck? We can’t.

This is interesting because it means the vaccinated are fighting off virus replication quick enough in most cases that it doesn’t cause a positive test. While it’s true it’s not a “breakthrough” infection if you test negative, that’s slightly misleading lol. Technically if you get exposed to an infected person and are vaccinated, you are still likely to get the virus in your system. HOWEVER, your body fights it off quickly enough that you have no symptoms and that the virus doesn’t have time to replicate itself enough to test positive in 90% of cases. I get what they are saying and it’s true, you aren’t infected by “clinical standards” but your body still “technically” gets infected.

Would help if they posted a link to the study they're referencing. The prior rounds of studies supposedly supporting these conclusions didn't really have much if any data on the sub-group most affected, elderly people over 65 or 75 since these aren't front line workers. Frontline works, who are most at risk, also wear a lot of PPE including fitted N95 masks. So all the studies are also confounded by other mitigation efforts that most civilians do not follow.

One children study https://hosppeds.aappubli...006001.full.pdf also noted that over 40% of children admitted for covid weren't really admitted for covid. These children were admitted for something else and than had a PCR positive result during universal screening. So many children hopsitalizations number might be inflated...quite significantly.

Very few children end up in the ICU and the death rate is like 0.002% so the risk benefit ratio for children is a lot different than that for someone in the 65 and older age bracket.

Hey, there was a 16 yr plan, Obama both terms Hillary both terms,... they we’re going to destroy America depopulate, the virus was planned and came with in the last year of trumps presidency because they never thought he’d have time to make a virusBUT he made one staying truthfully that it’s’not mandatory because it’s experimental. So now he CAN prove voter fraud and WIN. Proving election fraud
saving out free speech
He will give back all the monies stolen from taxes and end taxes
He’ll bring out the 6000 patients and med bed is one of them to stop this depopulation vac thing going on!!

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The False Promises of Covid Mass Vaccination: Chile Facts 2021 June:
One of the Most Mass Vaccinated Countries: 103 doses / 100 people
Covid Surging Upto March and since No Decline: 55 Daily Deaths / 10 million
Despite Mass Vaccination and Lockdowns Worse than the Recent Indian Surge

@CNN To end this pandemic, 'we've got to get everyone in our country vaccinated,' US surgeon general says
Top criticizing and/or clarifying comments, links and images of the above CNN main article follow further down after the links to the main article.
Now with appendix A: Articles about and images from recent surges (viral immune escape and ADE?) in countries being mass vaccinated (in contrast with little vaccinated Africa that is doing much better covidwise, except highly mass vaccinated Seychelles which is surging – May 2021 – Seychelles and Bahrain to be added) and with worldwide vaccination and covid situation maps.

That may be true up to a point but people have to understand the virus promotes a high infection rate and a low death rate what is it to date well over 25 million people that have been infected with the virus we didn't have 25 million people going to the hospital or dying just an FYI and you're still going to have to take a booster shot but they don't know when that's going to be still taking research data but you have people actually walking around thinking that I've taken this covid vaccine I'm protected for the rest of my life so it's going to be quite a challenge to have people re-vaccinated on this Mass scale have a nice day

having had a child admitted during covid for enchephilitis and spending a month on a ward we never caught covid.
despite being mixed with covid patients in the a and e department. only thing between covid and non covid are was 2 white boards, yes that's gonna stop a covid spread isn't it.
even normal appointments at hospital were a lot better during restrictions, only allowed in 5 mins before. now back to taking 1 1/2 -2 hours waiting in out patients waiting rooms surrounded by loads of others who could have covid.
we have no hope of getting rid of this virus when we can't keep people apart from those infected.

When are you going to announce transmission rate for the fully vaccinated so these anti vaxxers will stop thinking we can spread? They also think the vaccines will do something to us and everything else..very brainwashed people.. Waiting for an official announcement from cdc on this. I know spreading if possible can be super rare and there is not even 1 case linked to Pfizer and moderna where anyone has caught covid from a fully vaccinated individual who got one of the mrna vaccines. J and j I only know about the Yankees situation but they have not announced anymore information on their investigation on how the 9 or so on that team caught covid and who they got it from. All Yankees got j and j and all symptoms were mild/asymptomatic. I hope we get some official answers soon so people can be quiet about this transmission topic.

10ºNo use wasting over $37.4 billion fighting Covid-19, when you can spend it on a nuclear arsenal. The U.S. spent more on nuclear weapons development in 2020, than the rest of the world COMBINED. Nearly a third, around $13.7 billion, was awarded to contractor Northrup Grumman, which is building a new intercontinental nuclear weapons system in an effort to keep up with Russia, and more than 20 nuclear weapons developers were found to have profited from existing and new contracts. Companies even lobbied to authorize defense funding WITHIN Covid-19 relief bills...for instance, much of Boeing's defense lobbying activities were bundled in with lobbying around the U.S. CARES ACT (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) economic stimulus plan.
