People with diabetes who sleep badly are at greater risk of dying prematurely, study suggests

People with diabetes who had trouble falling or staying asleep were 87% more likely to die of any cause over the next nine years than people without diabetes or sleep problems, a new study finds.


To those who do not know - with Diabetes, it has been noted, the kidneys need to empty more often. Diabetics are much more likely to have to get up several times throughout the night.
If taking medication (with water) in the middle of the night, that adds to an issue of getting back to sleep, for some.

I have read reducing carbohydrates (pasta, bread, etc) and drastically increasing vegetables can reduce the effects of diabetes and if barely diabetic, potentially even reverse.
I like vegetables - but alas not that much!! Find it's easy to get sick of vegetables.

I will also note, I don't buy into everything Nutritionist give for information.
Ie; sweet potato is better than white potatoes. They each have value and in reality neither is better than the other.
In addition, many lump fruit into the same group as other forms of sweets. Fruits are a complex carbohydrate and should be noted but not lumped together with cake, a piece of candy, bread, etc.

#Lifestyle #HealthTips #Cardamom

As much as cardamom, the unknown wonder of cardamom -
It is not just about enhancing the taste of food. Regularly playing cardamom is not only tasty, your body health will also be good. Although used as a spice in various foods, cardamom has many healing properties. Cardamom plays a very important role in curing asthma and heart disease. Prevents heart disease, keeps heart rate normal and keeps blood pressure under control. In addition, cardamom helps in blood circulation. Mixing honey with cardamom powder is beneficial in heart disease. Cardamom has strange powers. For those who want to lose weight, a spoonful of cardamom is great. According to a new study, cardamom powder can reduce weight as well as reduce harmful body fats and lower unhealthy cholesterol levels. Although the process of losing weight is not very easy, the researchers say that by adding cardamom powder in the right diet process, excess weight can be reduced. Cardamom has been used in cooking for a long time. It adds flavor and aroma to food as well as health benefits. This spice adds the ability to burn body fat. Cardamom plays an important role in the digestive process. So many people put a grain of cardamom in their mouth after a meal. It absorbs gas and helps in digestion and reduces flatulence and heartburn. Cardamom contains a lot of manganese, which keeps the body detoxified by making enzymes to fight against harmful elements in the body. Cardamom can build resistance against cancer in the body. You can eat cardamom with food as well as tea, which gives special benefits to the body. There is no pair of cardamom to burn carbohydrates, fats and calories. Add a teaspoon or two of cardamom powder and turmeric powder in hot milk. You can add a little sugar to it. This will eliminate the weakness of the body. Symptoms like anemia will go away. For those who suffer from headaches, cardamom green tea can be a great help. Indigestion is eliminated by mixing cardamom powder with hot green tea. Those who suffer from acid problems should not sit down after eating. After a meal, take a walk with a grain of cardamom in your mouth. This will solve the problem. Cardamom is called the queen of spices. Cardamom is a fragrant spice. This cardamom is used to add extra flavor to food. Cardamom is a major and essential ingredient in Indian or Asian cuisine. Cardamom has even started to be used in making tea. Adding cardamom to any dish, even pies or sweets, changes its taste. But did you know that cardamom not only adds flavor and aroma to cooking, it also has many other wonderful properties that are unknown to us. Cardamom is rich in nutritional vitamins and micronutrients. In addition to niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin A, C, cardamom contains sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, etc. It is possible to get rid of many problems and diseases easily by eating one or two cardamoms every day. Details...Click
