London police officer pleads guilty to kidnap and rape of Sarah Everard

A London officer has pleaded guilty to charges in the case of Sarah Everard, whose death led women around the world to share their stories of walking alone.


Please to everyone. It’s a few disturbed police officers that have become horrible humans.
There still a lot of good and decent officers who are doing the job not for power but to help.
My 16 yr old is off to college to work at becoming a police officer here in England and she’s a kind soul. I worry because our officers aren’t armed and more and more bad eggs are tarnishing the work she wants to do. I’ve tried to talk her out of it and her response was “mum you have to be the change the world deserves, if people like me don’t join nothing will ever change” how do you argue with that?

So please as a mum who doesn’t want to see her child’s dream bashed before it’s even started. Not every officer needs a power trip. Not every officer is bad. Not every officers first instinct is to cause harm.

There’s some really decent officers, doing a job that the public don’t like.

Yes every bad officer needs to be weeded out ASAP.

Equally I doubt I will ever sleep nights she works when she graduates.

World should make an example of rapist and murderer like him. May be raping him too, cutting his genitals and then leaving him there to die on a national television for everyone to watch , would be real justice to that girl and her families. After all , what he did to that innocent girl will never be justified with simple life sentence or painless lethal injection. All rapist and molesters need to fear what would happen to them when they get caught. Jail time obviously doesn't scare them enough. Call me in-human but that's what it would take to stop these demons roaming among us.
