Biden DOJ signals it will defend law that allows discrimination in schools

The Justice Department said in a court filing that it will continue to defend a federal law that allows religious schools to discriminate against LGBTQ students


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Of course, the DOJ Etc. are playing both sides of the fence, so to speak, religion, Bible, Quran, Etc., are Occult books, and LGBTQ, promote perverted behavior.

What a shame, that they cannot Legally do away with both. I have to say, though, "the said to be, 'Discrimination,' is better than because no one wants perverted people around but still wrong to say because they should be imprisoned." They are crazy Law Enforcement people, they are Terrorists!

Generally speaking, one would imagine that they plot while playing both sides of the fence, "while having no real order, 'they look to see who chooses what and how they choose and unlawfully attempt to work from there.'" It looks like that.

Growing up, I cleaned the yard like I write, including above, I just got it done enough, to where it looked good enough. lol

Nobody (I should say few...99 percent of folks) don’t discriminate against anyone. Even if they disagree with them. Stop pushing a lie.

You know, Rachael Dolezal, a white lady pretending to be an African American, pushing AF causes...proclaimed she was BLACK. She colored her hair, tanned, and even got an Afro. Basically, a ‘TRANRACIAL”... why CNN ...oh tell me why...that’s wrong ...yet a man wanting to be a women is isn’t wrong. Hell, why can’t we all be whatever we want to be? What does biology have to do with anything (based on your views).

Stop being the mouth piece for those who want to push a liberal narrative. You ppl refuse to be intellectually honest...the bias you project, only goes unobserved by those suffering from Liberal Media “Stockholm Syndrome”. But, I suppose that’s ok with ppl like you. The left propaganda machine.

I haven’t a issue with differing view long as their logical...and based on truth. CNN fails in both areas. Sorry ...truth is truth,

The discrimination, child abuse & pure evil afoot is CRT. It teaches kids to hate each other, and their country, even their families. Dems obsession with genitalia & skin color is pure evil & pure racism. JoCommie MUST complete the destruction of Faith, Families & Fathers because living as God Commands & Communism CANNOT coexist. There is NO discrimination against LGBT by Christians. Another dem LIE. They can choose how to live, we can choose NOT to allow them to shove their choice down our throats. We treat all God's creatures with respect & concern, but they have become a violent militant arm & we will NOT submit........