The perfect storm making everything you need more expensive

As economies rebound from the pandemic, the price of everything from food, fuel and cars to diapers and toilet paper is soaring


The Perfect Recipe For $**t:

Forget to mention to the public very early that our country knew very likely where this tasty bug was coming from.

After letting it sit for a few months, it should be kind of short on legitimate answers, so you can just throw a mask over everything. MAKE SURE you deny all "conspiracy theories" about lab leaks! This will be very important later.

"Elect" in a new president half way through this pandemic that has plenty of pandemics in his own right. When we do this we want to mix in plenty of racism & lgbtqrk propaganda while pouring it into the pot. This is when you really smell that hypocrisy, division, and socialism start to do their part

After mixing in the ideas that you are what your skin color says you are, we should be good with economy. Again like above, make sure this new vegetable has been ripening in the shoe closet for about 47 years(it's always just made more sense to fix something with the same tools that destroyed it, you know?). Now you just make sure you are making everything from meat to fuel difficult to buy, make sure your thumb depth checks head out with the unemployment, and any time anything negative happens blame conservatives or God. Drive inflation that makes your people feel they can't work, and there you have it. Bake for 4 years and ENJOY!

Do you see this is where I think they are lying. And so do a lot of other people. Yes the pandemic had something to do with rising prices. But the main reason is The hike in ( fuel prices )
Fuel prices are rising not because of the pandemic but from the way that this new administration is controlling things. Obviously when fuel prices are raised to this extreme, everything Hass to go up. This is just basic knowledge. People need to wake up.
The way things are going with Joe Biden and the way he is spending and miss managing everything, is going to bankrupt us.I’m so confused on anybody that would have voted for him and still blind to see how incredibly incompetent he is.

Trump Reveals First 10 Items On His Agenda For When He's Reinstated As President In August

Trump is going to be reinstated as president this August, reliable sources have informed us -- the best sources, everyone says so. When this happens, he has a lot of work to do returning America to its former greatness. Luckily, high-energy Trump is up to the task. He has already released a list of the first ten things on his agenda for when he gets back in office later this summer:

1. Re-drain the swamp. - There's been a lot of swamp build-up over the past few months -- time to start re-draining!

2. Nuke a blue state as a warning to the rest of the blue states. - California will do nicely.

3. Un-gay the military. - Trump says he will make the military the straightest it's ever been!

4. Sign an executive order bringing back Aunt Jemima, Mr. Potato Head, and Uncle Ben. - Wow! Promises made, promises kept!

5. Lock up Hillary but for real this time. - Lock her up, but actually do it!

6. Order ten new seasons of Firefly. - A move that will gain our true president real bipartisan support.

7. Build 500 new pipelines making gas plummet to a dime a gallon. - It's a foolproof plan.

8. Jail everyone involved in The Last Jedi - Starting with the ringleader Rian Johnson.

9. Make America great again again. - There's a lot of work to do to make America great again, again, but Trump is up to the job. Again.

10. Wipe away every tear. - He will also make the lion lie down with the lamb.

We. Can't. Wait!
I actually almost believed this then realized it was satire...
hahahaha liberals ..........just made y'all hypertensive

In less than five months, Joe Biden has brought this country to the brink. Terrorism is back and proud. Four years of Peace in the Middle East has been shattered. Biden crippled American energy independence with the stroke of a pen, ending the Keystone pipeline and roughly 11,000 jobs.....8,000 were union jobs. Six presidents had desperately sought energy independence before Trump had finally succeeded. Russian hackers were allowed to shut down the Colonial Oil pipeline which supplied gas to the east coast of America.....Biden rewarded Russia by lifting sanctions against their own gas pipeline to Germany. He put an indefinite pause on new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and Biden has alienated Saudi Arabia. They just surprised energy markets by announcing it would not raise oil output, despite developing supply constraints and rising prices.
Small businesses can't find workers to hire because they're being paid by the government to do nothing.....keeping the big multinational corporate monopolies fat. Gasoline shortages is causing cars to line up at stations across the East coast for the first time since Jimmy Carter and, as it turns out, the gasoline shortages caused prices of everything else to climb. Once again, in a Jimmy Carter redux, America is beginning a long journey into inflation. 4.2% for the month of April, 2021. Biden’s promise that only the rich would be taxed rang hollow. It is the poor and the senior citizens who are crushed by inflation.
The American Border with Mexico has turned into a drama of child and drug trafficking. Democrats who feigned concern for 'kids in cage's now ignore the plight of thousands. Border agents have confiscated three years of drugs in one month. Still, Biden blamed it all on Donald Trump, even though Biden, himself, invited the problem by stopping the building of the wall, announcing his “open border” policy and ending the carefully negotiated “remain in Mexico agreement.” Thousands of illegals showed up at the border wearing “Biden” t-shirts. Now, all of these illegal immigrants, who aren't in the hands of traffickers, are on planes and buses to places across America-all without a Covid test.
Watching Biden’s presidency crumble around him brings me no pleasure....our country is crumbling along with it. All he had to do was nothing.....and our country would have thrived for years because of Trump.

Policeman: How could you kill 49
people? What the hell was wrong
with you? Driver:I was driving at 8
Okm/h when I saw two men
crossing the road. On the
roadside, there was a wedding
party. I wanted to apply the
brakes, but I realised they were
not working. So I had to take a
decision: Either hit the 2 men or
run into the wedding party.
Policeman: Hit the 2 men of
course! Driver: Exactly! After
hitting the first man, the other
man ran towards the wedding
party so l followed him..
Visit to my timeline for more jokes
