Florida high school paused distribution of its yearbook over coverage of BLM movement

A Florida teacher says he was "absolutely shocked" when his high school paused distribution of its yearbook over coverage of the Black Lives Matter movement. "When they called it a political movement ... it was probably one of the most disheartening things that I ever read"



If this teacher wants to support BLM being included in the yearbook, I wonder why he won’t recognize and admit the political nature of the organization. Not only did they have a list of demands that included meeting with newly-elected President Biden, in order to affect change, but they have their own political action committee for endorsing and supporting the political candidates that they believe should be in power.

I’m not sure why he would be afraid to admit such a thing, as that in itself isn’t a “bad thing.” But I am also surprised at the hypocrisy… saying that he doesn’t think it would be “appropriate” for a Blue Lives Matter section to be included. And the thing about that, he even admits that he only *thinks* that’s what “the other side” wants. Listen to him again.

If the kids voted and most of them wanted BLM to be included, fine… but it would be nice if the students and teachers wouldn’t deny reality. Also, the teacher and student in this video said almost the exact same thing… for a minute I thought maybe a teleprompter didn’t scroll between one to the next.

I think a lot of people still don’t understand that you can believe and support the generic idea of black lives mattering, because of course they do, while not supporting the political organization that took that phrase as its name. There’s plenty of black people who do not support the BLM organization, and I doubt they’d be accused of being racist for doing so.


Apparently the teacher didn’t do his homework. He refused to mention other movements because they would take away from what’s happening to Black people and specifically mentions blue lives matter insinuating that police lives are not important enough to mention in his article.
Black Lives Matter is more than a movement, it is a self avowed Marxists leaning organization with its own funding sources, a board of directors and chapters throughout the United States. The kids may not know this but this idiot yearbook adviser he certainly does, or at least should. BLM has no business being sponsored or promoted by a public, taxpayer funded high school.
If this “teacher” cannot delineate between an appropriate High school yearbook material and a propaganda dissertation, perhaps he should be teaching at a private school that admits it’s left-wing bias and Marxist leanings.
As for the clowns at CNN, it would’ve been nice if they had given a little more information, Perhaps some specific verbiage and substance and a little less on opinion. I for one would have liked to have more information.
A brief search of Google showed little information on the actual article.

Righteous Republicans have left… the Republican party runs under the mantra of racism…There are almost no people of color in the Republican party… All people of color are in the democratic party… In the year 2045 the country will be predominately people of color… The court systems judges president Congress Senate etc…will reflect the people in power…Keep pissing the people off that will be in power… such a brilliant strategy lol that sandglass has turned…. Then they will label the KKK and all these other racist hate groups terrorists Round them up and Prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law

When faced with rising inflation, cyber attacks from Russia, China Corona virus origins cover up, sky rocketing crime across our nation, the immigration crisis at our southern border, shortage of workers due to government hand outs, businesses and livelihoods wiped out due to the destruction of the virus and riots (to name just a few); Obama and the Biden administration feel the most important topic of focus is to indoctrinate our children with Critical Race Theory. "WHO KNEW?" lol
Oh, and btw, did you know the $500M that Bloomberg spent on campaign adds was more than enough money to give every American $1M each? "WHO KNEW?" lol
(Brian Williams and Mara Gay = liberal mental deficiency at it's best)

Why all news departments anchors reporters radio stations recording companies movie companies singers and stars tv stars and judges and lawyers mayors senators governors congress from 2007/2008 has made a family loss everything homes songs and movies and many other things. And they stolen money fame ratings power and status that’s motives every department must be charged with fraud federal and state felonies tampering with information obstruction of justice human rights and civil violations murder manslaughter involuntary manslaughter treason organized crimes the list just keeps getting bigger they knowingly known how to slow punishments of The Ten Commandments down how and what needs to be done to stop this. Don’t believe anyone in the entertainment industry sports every department anchors reporters mayors governors senators lawyers and judges. Where’s them charges and prison for all them people. Western churches have fallen. Lost there chance to enter Heaven. The Messiah. And every one of them known about every church shootings school shootings and bombings in many countries and cities years before it happened.

A yearbook should not involve this. Since BLM is so controversial it is wrong to put it in a yearbook where others may disagree with the movement.

Not only that a yearbook should ONLY be about memories that happened at the school or is relevant to school type things. This is irrelevant and has nothing to do with a school. Just because SOME kids support the movement doesn’t make it right to put it in a yearbook. Smh.

That’s like saying some kids supported Donald Trump. Are you going to add Donald Trump to the yearbook now? Makes absolutely no sense.

Y’all are really cramming this BLM stuff down people’s throats. We get it, Black Lives Matter. But what is being done to change things? Not a thing. And no, walking around shouting BLM everywhere or showing up to riot and loot everytime something goes wrong is not fixing anything. That’s why ppl don’t agree with the movement because y’all ain’t doin anything to help fix the situation. All you do is shout it everywhere and write it on everything but have not done anything about it or came up with a solution.

My my, So now Trump is out of office in the left is saying "well it might have been a lab leak" also saying "hydroxychloroquine does work to help patients that have severe symptoms of Covid" so we are finding out that Donald Trump was correct and the liberal media spun a narrative to get him out of office. I say give it another year probably less and the Democrats themselves will figure out how they were duped by the media and they will be the ones that will be storming the capital to throw Biden out of office. Because the Democrats are starting to eat themselves because they are running out of food!

This teacher is teaching these kids poor journalism️
BLM is a Marxist Terrorist group that murdered innocent people and robbed businesses and destroyed innocent people lives and businesses and BLM has done nothing for Black Americans lives️
The Truth is All lives are Relevant️
All of this should have been in that yearbook️
BLM destroyed Our American History️ True History is good and bad has good and bad in it since the beginning of time️
BLM and Antifa destroyed Statues that were relevant to Our American History, the Pyramids are relevant to Our World history️
Police were murdered and beaten by Antifa and BLM both Terrorist groups️
It’s been a time where children have been forced to accept views that perhaps they didn’t agree with but were to afraid to speak up for fear of a beating️ This has been a time where White Americans have been pushed into believing that their to blame for all of the Black Americans troubles and been forced into apologizing for the skin color they were born into and forced to wash the feet of Black Americans and forced to literally bow down before Black Americans️
It’s been a time where career criminals like George Floyd and others were honored , but their victims and the horror they put them through was forgotten️
It’s been a time of pure Terror for many Americans,especially white innocent Americans who never hurt anyone ever️ Their Only crime was being born white️
It’s been a time where the people of Chicago and Baltimore etc.. cried out for help to stop the Black on Black crime in their cities only to fall on deaf ears️
It’s been a time a virus was created to destroy mankind by evil demonic people️
This teacher didn’t use any wisdom or real direction in teaching these kids how to write real journalism️
Real journalism gives facts no matter how horrible it may be️
All of this is part of history these kids lived through and it all effected their lives forever ️
That teacher showed No real guidance in what would be put into the yearbook️
I was in high school during the Vietnam war , Father’s,Mothers, brothers and sisters coming home in body bags or with limps missing.
We watched MLK March for equality and later watched interracial relationship happen and it was accepted and We as Americans were at peace with it and still are️
Each generation has gone through something in history️
If history it’s going to be allowed in school Yearbook’s then let all of what happened not just bits and pieces be told ️
I truly feel sorry for the these kids️
Teachers are pushing their political propaganda on them while their education hits the toilet️
American kids can’t compete in the Math and Sciences against other kids from around the world️
Engineers ,Doctors etc… are coming from other countries because America can’t produce them️


bisogna sempre considerare che cosa sia migliore

completamente alla realtà
certezza migliore

essa non è disposta a modificare neanche una parola dei suoi insegnamenti

si possono formulare

alle masse

certezza e saldezza
futuro della nostra
giusta e sovente

non ha soltanto il diritto ma il dovere
di durata
l'ultimo gruppo di oppositori
opera fondamentale
perché questo è ciò che contraddistingue
la nostra opera in corso
e da noi

fino raggiungimento scopo finale

riconoscimento e applicazione di queste cognizioni
il fatto compiuto
