R. Kelly says he wants to replace half of his legal team two months ahead of trial

Singer R. Kelly spoke briefly at a court hearing, saying he approves of a significant change in his legal team just two months before his federal trial in Brooklyn is set to begin.



My heart bleeds for R. Kelly but he knew not only it was against the law but he was wrong for having sex with teenage children. Before having the nerve to throw them back into the world or to their homes with a open hole, no foundation of Their Own and no goals. Plus no soul snatcher or killer of any sort should be above the law may they be a President, Entertainer, Law Enforcement Agent or Citizen. And It's only right for Kelly to be held accountable for killing those young ladies mentally and spiritually by completely sexually turning them out in every way imaginable. And even though those teenage girls utilized his Fame, influences and Fortune with him it don't count. Because after he gave them these worldly possessions the price they had to pay for those extravagance are far more detrimental to their mental, social and spiritual health than What they had received for him. And just because he paid for them it doesn't make him right. Especially do to the fact that what he paid for goes against our state and federal laws.

Quoting from from research, Nearly 90% of those convicted of child abuse offences and on the sex offenders register are white men. Yet, the severity of sentences and the rate of conviction is higher with minorities. Why is that? Go figure, why Prince Andrew and some high profile white offenders; Especially, Old white men are still roaming around freely without even arrest, while Bill Cosby ( Who I am not a fan of because of how he was betraying the black community in interviews) and R.Kelly are in jail, and their body of creative work boycotted by many. Justice must be indiscriminate.

Critical Race Theory was written by which leftist cult? Black Panthers? Muslim Bro Org Shariah loons? BLM's people who hate all people who have white skin? Did 0bama and Bill Ayers write it all up? haha. 0bama just complained about how Conservatives are complaining about Critical Race Theory being forced into kids minds. Yale University CRT speaker exposed speech- She said she fantasizes about shooting white people in the head. She said no white person can be cured. CRT spreads hate!! If 0bama was never president, none of this hate, divide, corruption in DC and everywhere it spread would be happening.

Luke 17
Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building. 29 But on the day that Lot went out of Sodʹom, it rained fire and sulfur from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 It will be the same on that day when the Son of man is revealed

While doing my ministry I get this argument often that God's predictions don't come true( although they actually do) or we've been waiting for Armageddon to come for thousands of years (which we have) if God's real why hasn't it happened yet?

But think about it when a weatherman issues a hurricane warning, he issues this hurricane warning days out in advance, so a person has a chance to evacuate, get things situated, take cover, now the sky might look clear and be blue as sapphires, the Sun might be out but there is a hurricane on its way, it's going to be there in a few days, even though you have peaceful condition at that moment, but slowly as hours go by conditions start to get worse, cloud start rolling in, the sun goes away and the sky gets darker, the wind picks up and lightning starts to flash, slowly but surely the rain starts and the hurricane is upon you...well Jesus issued a warning for Armageddon about 2000 years ago which is basically a hurricane for the whole earth (or world), a category 12 hurricane but instead of JEHOVAH will use fire . Now considering to Jehovah God a thousand years is one day, Jesus issued this warning two days ago, he told you what to look for, he told you the kind of conditions it would be on the , before the hurricane hit, Jesus told you how people would act and how selfish and greedy the world would be, he told you how unloving and how corrupt the world would be, he told you to look for these signs, that's the sprinkles before the hurricane, meaning if you haven't evacuated yet, you need to get ready, or in this case you need to get right with Jehovah God and Jesus Christ and if you haven't changed your course of life you need to do it.

it's been over two days since Jesus issued this warning and the hurricane is coming, conditions were pretty clear and sunny before but we're coming up on those darker cloud, soon the rain is going to start, depending on where you are in the world the rain might have started already, but it's going to get rough, but if you have enough Faith in Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, to get through the storm, it's going to get a lot better afterwards I hope everybody is ready and right with Jesus Christ because the storm is close, but peaceful condition and everlasting life will follow close behind

2 Peter 3
However, do not let this escape your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. 9 Jehovah is not slow concerning his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance

️️Galatians 5 On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, 23 MILDNESS, SELF-CONTROL. Against such things there is NO LAW️️

Psalms 19:8
The orders from Jehovah are righteous, causing the heart to rejoice;The commandment of Jehovah is clean, making the eyes shine.

James 4:12
12There is only one who is Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and to destroy. But you, who are you to be judging your neighbor?

Isaiah 2:22
For your own sakes, quit trusting in mere man,Who is only the breath in his nostrils. Why should he be taken into account?

What hurts so much is the fact that everybody use to rather listen to R Kelly instead of rap. And the very least talented people in the music industry became billionaires because he didn't set any boundaries for himself or trusted the wrong people.
Jay z
Even fine*** talented Nelly pave the way for someone like Jay z who's Less talented than him to come up because he didn't set any dam boundaries in his personal life.
And Irv & Chris Gotti put limitations on that gorgeous musical genius, songwriter, producer and singer Ashanti career because the both of them did not set any boundaries in their personal lives. And we know while Ashanti was merely 20 years old when she was making music for herself that was passed to a nearly 40yr old woman name JLo. And she did this while a team of people were writing for Beyonce AKA Shakira, AKA Etta James & aka. Donna Summers. Well whoever she is these days
Smdh! Because even the rapper DMX had more talent than Jay z in his pinky finger and yet he died broke after Jay z became a billionaire. DMX didn't set any limitation on his personal life either.
Smdh! Because the worst crime R Kelly actually committed was self destruction. And the fact that he's broke.
