Carville: Democrats lack the votes for their ambitious progressive agenda

Political strategist James Carville rejects Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s claim Senate Democrats are playing “patty-cake” with Republicans, as efforts to pass Democratic priorities through the Congress falter. “They need to sit down and do the math,” he said. “We don’t have the votes.”


One bipartisan group has put together an infrastructure plan. Now it has to go through second bipartisan committee, then it finally goes to Senate. Where McConnell will tell GOP senators to vote against it. If all 50 Democrats in Senate unite and agree to vote for Jobs and Infrastructure, instead of getting rid of filibuster, they can use nuclear option and with Harris as vote 51 bill would pass. If Manchin and Sinema and rest of Democrats in Senate agree to vote for bill - that's the unknown. If GOP senators can vote as a bloc, why can't Democrats get their act together? By killing Biden's bill, they are putting House and senators coming up for re-election in 2022 in danger of losing both House and Senate. Need to pass bills that help American people to get them to vote Democratic.

A tsunami of voter fraud evidence!

Many audits are happening at the same time, and poll workers appear with evidence! The voter fraud will be exposed!

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Susan Voyles is a poll manager from Fulton County, Georgia, and she was responsible for sorting through mail-in ballots in the 2020 election. She spotted the markings for Biden had weird patterns of uniformity.

According to her, Biden’s absentee votes were filled-in ovals outside of a minor feature on them, an identical white void in a tiny crescent shape. It means that the votes were marked with toner ink.

Is Joe Manchin the Democrat’s Judas?
Joe Manchin has been in the United States Senate since 2010. He was in the Senate when Mitt McConnell said my priority is the leader of the Republican party is to make Barack Obama a onetime president. McConnel recently said that he is 100% focused on stopping Joe Biden’s administration.
However, thanks to Georgia, neither Mitch nor the Republican party can stop Biden’s administration. Yet, just like the Roman leaders who could not stop Jesus until one of his own, Judas sold him out. Joe Manchin saw how Obama had to deal with a do-nothing Congress and was unable to get hundreds of important needed bills through Congress because McConnel would not allow them onto the floor.
Nothing has changed and any Senator who has been in the Senate since 2010, believe me, knows this. Just as Judas knew when he went against Jesus. It has been said that your enemy cannot harm you but watch your closest friend. When you think that you have removed all wolves, it is the wolf in sheep clothing that will do you in. Gregory St. James Mundy (author of I LOVE GOD)
