Video shows MQ-25 Stingray refueling F/A-18 for the first time

New footage released from the US Navy shows an unmanned drone refueling a fighter jet for the first time


I heard white Caucasia people are dying more Than being born well the white chickens are finally coming back home to roast ‘no peace for the Caucasia people ‘problem shall be their portions’ sorrows and pains Shall be their breakfast ‘just look back for the last 300 years what you demonic Caucasia have done in Africa -
Let me list down your contribution to Africa
- Apartheid system
- Slavery ( African diaspora to South Africa, Europe and North America)
- Prosecution of African - Leopold II of Belgium killed 15 million in Congo, France killed Algerian 2 million, German in Nambia, British in South Africa and Rhodesia, 2 million Libya been killed Italian, I can list down)
- Stolen Africa mineral.
- Support and reinstate corrupt leaders.
- Forcing Africa to change their religion to Christianity.
I can list can on and on... at least China is helping Africa infrastructure which has neglected for 300 years during colonization. All the money from Africa been suck-up to build Europe.
