Analysis: Trump is doing more lying about the election than talking about any other subject

Since his presidency ended, Donald Trump has issued more statements lying about the 2020 election than statements talking about any other subject, writes Harry Enten.


Trump has decided that his post presidential office career is going to be centered around the concept that he and his supporters were somehow cheated out of a second term and that he deserves thanks for his handling of things. He campaigns on it, he sells things based on it, and he makes money off of it. CNN, amongst others, is nice enough to give him free advertising for his venture. Nobody is holding him accountable in the moment or in the future for lying, nor have they, so I am not really sure why anybody expects him to change the family business model now.

“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”
“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.” Now the last but most important quote… “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” Joseph Goebbels! The ugly head of nationalism is never far away and why we have to resist it unless we want our country to forever change for the worst!

I do not know and never have seen former presidents Trump, Obama, George W. Bush, and so on, but if I promiss you to solve a health problem like Covid-19 infection, first we most have on hands a secure effective vaccine to root out Covid-19 infection from your body and from United Statates, I think that President Biden must have my effective vaccines on his hands to live up to his word, he said to americans that he will going to avoid americans from Covid-19 infection, you may realize that President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are lying to americans, because of I have offered him the amount of effective vaccines needed by americans to avoid Covid-19 infection. Why president Biden is spending thousands of millions dollars purchasing false vaccines which do not avoid you from getting Covid-19 infection? It seems to me that president Biden administration is dealing with pharmaceutical industries on behalve of american people, but without benefiting americans. Is this a new fraud carried out by government employees?: I vave enough and available vaccines that can root out Covid-19 pandemic from United States in a week of vaccination. Then, why president Biden and Dr Anthony Faucci did not clear this situtation to americans, since americans are being infected by Covid-19 infection and every day dying, so happens since president Biden governs the United States, what do you think about? Thank you. Dr Luis Amador.

The Dems and MSM are in such a panic about the audits . They KNOW what is coming . The half of America that has never looked at the evidence, and whose only riposte is " over 60 courts dismissed the evidence" are about to get a huge 'red pill'. Trump, once again, will be vindicated and if the DoJ think they can stop the audits with their intimidatory efforts... think again ! As Arizona senators made clear yesterday , the Arizona senate has jurisdiction for their election and if he tries to seize ballots and machines to stop the audit, he will be seeing the inside of an Arizona prison cell !

So why vote for a past president that promised to balance the budget in four years and added 7.8 trillion dollars to it.
The same president that promised MEXICO would pay for the wall then allocated money from the Pentagon to pay for it.
The same president that promised "the greatest medical insurance of all times".
The same president that promised absolute prescription reform for lower prices to all Americans.
The same president that promised the coal mining states that he would lead them out of poverty.
I can keep going and going. The nice thing is that nobody can say that I am wrong and have any validity doing so.
And nobody force your Republican and Democrat cult theroys at me.
I sit center aisle and have no political motivation or agenda.
I speak with dignity and integrity not a party demanding my obedience.
Jut keeping it real.

Okay, so if I were the AG, I would have the FBI ready to pounce and prove that this ridiculous circus has tampered with votes, by the way that is a serious crime, I do not care if these people are pensioners or church goers, I guarantee when they are faced with real jail time the truth will come out! Can anyone tell me how kinetic energy can determine a vote? Kinetics I thought was all to do with motion powering energy!? That nutcase needs to be charged with fraud, AGAIN, but this time lets hope they throw away the key!!

President Biden is succeeding in
We have the wisest most intelligent President currently in office now.
This is because of one extraordinary manPresident Biden, his administration will change mankind and make America bountiful. We thank you for your brilliance and words of wisdom. We Americans are very happy with your progress with our borders, our economy with price of goods going down and the extra money and jobs you are providing.
There is no such thing as fair with politics, we won, and will win again in 2024.
Thank you President Biden for your shrewd brilliance. Sir you are a man of utmostintegrity, a man of hisword.

After reading the article and many of the posts asking why CNN continues to do articles about him I feel compelled to comment. The real news media must continue to keep us informed of his latest lies and actions. He is still in control of the Republican Party and we must know what he is up to. The 2022 election is going to be here before we know it and we must be aware of all the BS he and the Republicans are doing to manipulate the right to vote. The Republicans who have jumped on board the Trump train are willing to do anything to stay in his favor and it doesn’t matter if they break the law. Remember Jan 6? So thank you CNN for the continuing real news that will allow us to make informed decisions when it comes to voting.

Why doesn’t his family help this man. Get him the help he needs. Intervention. His kids need to sit him down probably his daughter and pry his mind open and tell him to focus on retirement and his business and his legal troubles and forget politics we all know he is corrupt and everything he did is and will come out the Republicans will never come back to power for the foreseeable future because of what he and Bill Barr perpetrated and the Republicans let them get away with. So just go away so the party can try to heal it’s self it will take probably decades.

10ºBidden won't have to worry about winning border states in 2024. Not harris either. Even the million(930,000 as of the other day) of illegals they are letting in won't save them. Yes, I know illegals can't vote but Bidden has made executive orders on everything he has done so that will be next. Just wondering why Democrats aren't concerned about the citizens in this country anymore. Crossing from 35 different countries. Today it is Haite, Cuba, and Venzuela. But have heard about some from China, Romania and lots of other unfriendly nations. Even having MS-13, sex offenders and murderers. And 1/2 of what I have seen today are in their 60's or 70's. Many walking with canes. And how will they contribute.
