NYC mayoral candidate Maya Wiley: "I would not" remove guns from police

"No, I would not" remove guns from police officers, says New York City mayoral candidate Maya Wiley who notes that her plan is to "balance both smart policing and investing in communities and creating the relationships we need."


Have ALL your sins been forgiven? If you haven't trusted Christ as Savior you're Unforgiven, on your way to the Lake of Fire for eternity; No Resting In Peace!

To be saved instantly and for eternity simply #trust Christ who's God Almighty as Savior and BELIEVE in your heart that he shed His #Blood for ALL your sins and was #Buried and #Rose again the 3rd day for your justification. 1Cor 15:1-4 KJB

The moment you believe you're declared RIGHTEOUS by God, forgiven #all your sins Baptized into the Body of Christ and SEALED by the Holy Ghost forever. Once saved always Saved. ️

Romans 5:1-5
King James Version
5 Therefore being #justified by #faith, we have #peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

Marvin Gaye asked, "What's going on?" And, now I am asking along with possibly every New Yorker, "What's going on?" This is a simple question directed to New York City Mayoral Candidates, Andrew Yang, Erica Adams, Kathryn Garcia, Maya Wiley, Shaun Donovan, Scott Stringer, Dianne Morales, and Ray Maguire. But, not a question I expect to die in the bustle of the City. What are you Mayoral Candidates going to do about the daily occurrences of violence in New York City? I am sick and tired of my Citizen's App notifying me about the sad state of affairs in New York City in terms of everyday violence. I installed this app as a means of keeping up to date with what was "going on" around me, but now I shuddered each time it goes off. Each act of violence brings back the from June 16, 2005 when my phenomenal son, Phoenix Garrett was casually gunned downed in this City. We cannot continue to live like this in New York City. Why have we allowed the worm to spoil the Apple? Even worse, how can we continue to live in fear in our own homes and when we venture outdoors? "This ain't living!"

BOMBSHELL: Maricopa County Officials *Deleted* Election Databases from Voting Machines

Arizona election auditors claim to have made a disturbing discovery in their inspection of Maricopa County’s voting machines: Deleted election databases.

Arizona State Senate President Karen Fann has summoned Maricopa County election officials to a meeting next week to “constructively resolve” shocking irregularities uncovered in the election audit thus far, including the deletion of a ‘main database’ in the Election Management System (EMS).

“We have recently discovered that the entire ‘Database’ directory from the D drive of the machine ‘EMSPrimary’ has been deleted,” Fann wrote to Jack Sellers, chair of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. “This removes election related details that appear to have been covered by the subpoena.”

Fann’s letter also claims the EMS was missing the “Results Tally and Reporting” database.

“This suggests that the main database for all election related data for the November 2020 General Election has been removed,” Fann continued. “Can you please advise as to why these folders were deleted, and whether there are any backups that may contain the deleted folders?”

Fann then invited the election officials to come to the Arizona State Capitol on May 18 to address the missing EMS files as well as other issues “without recourse to additional subpoenas or other compulsory process.” The Arizona State Senate president further highlighted election data irregularities.

“The audit team has encountered a significant number of instances in which there is a disparity between the actual number of ballots contained in a batch and the total denoted on the pink report slip accompanying the batch,” Fann told Sellers. “In most of these instances, the total on the pink report slip is greater than the number of ballots in the batch, although there are a few instances in which the total is lower.”

The Maricopa County election officials claim to not have the passwords to the voting machines. Furthermore, the election officials refuse to turn over the routers to the machines due to alleged security concerns involving law enforcement. Just the News reported on the matter on Thursday.

“Officials in Arizona’s Maricopa County are withholding materials subpoenaed by the state legislature as part of its audit of the county’s 2020 election, claiming that surrendering them would constitute a security risk for both law enforcement and federal agencies,” the report stated.

“A Monday letter sent from the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office to Ken Bennett, the former Arizona secretary of state and the liaison between the state Senate and the auditors, said the county had elected not to turn over ‘several routers’ requested by the legislature due to an alleged ‘significant security risk to law enforcement data utilized by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office as well as numerous federal agencies’,” the report continued.

“We had previously believed that the risk would be eliminated by redacting the law enforcement data on the routers and not producing it,” Bennett’s letter states. “But we were informed that redaction did not eliminate the risk.”

Fann has proposed sending auditors to inspect the routers and other election equipment on site, while noting auditors are not seeking non-election-related data.

“Such an arrangement would permit Maricopa County to retain custody and monitor the review of router data, while ensuring that the Senate may access the information it requires—and to which it is constitutionally entitled—to successfully complete its audit,” Fann noted.

The Arizona State Senate called an emergency session on Friday to issue a warning to stalling Maricopa County election officials that they must provide missing passwords to voting machines that they claim they ‘do not have,’ and also the withheld routers that obstructing officials claim could ‘allow access to sensitive law enforcement data.’

“The emergency is due to the Senate indicating that they would take action against the County and Supervisors if the County does not provide passwords it does not have, and routers that could allow access to sensitive law enforcement data, as well as protected health information and personal data of county citizens,” the statement on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors
The recent finding of deleted election databases would futher escalate the confrontation between the Arizona State Senate and Maricopa County’s election officials, who appear determined to prevent auditors from completing a truly independent audit of the 2020 election.

As a woman it always good to pray for your husband and your relationship as well before it crumble
Because not so long age I had a bad experience when I stop praying for as user, my husband was a good lover until he was blindfolded with a white magic spell by his coworker called wang Kim from China but she Lives in the US. Kim was deeply in love with my husband after sometimes I started noticing some strange movement about my husband he start coming back from work at night, he don’t even have time for me again automatically things change my relationship life was down no loving, no caring, no hug nor kisses as before I was traumatized because I haven’t experienced such things before immediately I talk to my friend from India about it, she then introduce me to a spiritual dr. Called Dr. Avan from werst Africa via his contact details which she provided for me when I Dm Dr. on WhatsApp he responded immediately And pray with me before he start his spell work. After about nine days my husband said to me that something just pulls out from his face but he doesn’t know what is all about but I know it was, as we speak my marriage is in peace and we are leaving a happy life right now all thanks to Dr. Avan below are his contact details via or Dm Dr on +2349054910629
