Brother of Olympic gymnast Simone Biles is acquitted of murder charges from 2018 shooting

After a mistrial was declared last month in the murder trial of Tevin Biles-Thomas, the brother of Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles, a judge in Ohio acquitted Biles-Thomas of the charges against him in a retrial, court records show.


I can not say with 100% certainty but I think this man was innocent, I mean that many people there at the party and none could indent him seems sus to me. did they not do a gun powder residue test? or find the murder weapon? I mean if there is no evidence (physical) tieing him to the case then the only thing they have to rely on is peoples testimony but none could say for he was the one who shot him... I have witnessed a shooting before luckily the person didn't die and I can remember his face as I saw it yesterday... I remember every detail down to the small mole on the side of his cheek...

Trumps going to the boarders on June 30 with our great governor Mr Abbott. Trump said if Biden and Harris won't go he was going to go. So everyone watch for June 30th for the real President goes to support our boarders controls and governors and mayor's on the boarders. They been begging Harris to come but she only laughing at our open boarders being over taken by drug cartels and child trafficking under Biden one million has been brought illegal immigrants into our country guns and drug's are flooding our country under Biden so trump is going to the Texas Mexico boarders to address this horribly trafficking in child and drug's. God bless trump the man who loves his country more then anyone .

Yangon, 14 - 6 - 2021

Two school girls were found lying on the ground of school room in Kyu Chaung village, Thanap Ping township, Pegu Divisoon in this morning.
12 years old Ma Suu Mel San from Grade 8 the daughter of U Kyaw Naing and another 12 years old school, Ma Thazin Khaing the daughter of U Maung Myint Shwe from the same class were found lying on the ground in the room while sputum coming out of their mouths.
They wereimmediately sent to the General hospital of Thanap Ping and they both passed away at 9:20 AM at local time.
“They were poisoned” according to Forensics.
NLD becomes the most notorious terrorist group in the entire history of the world. They bomb, carry out arson attacks targetting schools. teachers and students.
But, western backed media and western communities ignore such atrocities committed by NLD terrorist groups.
Two terrorists sent by NUG derived from NLD claiming themselves as new government threatened various tratum of people in multiple ways. They have been bombing, assassinating, poisoning,stabbing and conducting arson attacks against every one who do not support them.
