Sperm count not harmed by Covid-19 vaccine, study says

Sperm count and quality did not drop in healthy young men after receiving a first or second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, according to a new study



Translation it does hurt the sperm count. Kinda like it didn’t leak from a Wuhan lab? Now we’re finding out it most probably did. Those who hinted at that were called “conspiracy theorists”.
Russian “collusion”ya? Another confirmed lie. Now we’re finding out there were FBI agents and “informants” who helped plan and execute the Jan 6th “insurrection” funny they left that out. Go tact check any of this. I swear this network runs a story you can almost bet they’re covering up the actual truth behind the story.
Like Joe Biden is cognitively sound. All you have to do is listen to the dipshit talk and you know different. You don’t need Jedi skills to figure this whole scam out.

Hard to trust any of these things. Its about time that people around the world should rise up and come together to formulate 100 percent transparent media, test labs, honest feedbacks, banking systems, food monitoring and system where NO hidden powers can take advantage of people or harm them like Bill Gates and his likes. Bill Gate is buying acres of lands around the world to control food sources, he's buying fast food chains and water sources.
I wonder why lately mineral waters (purified & spring waters in bottles) start to smell.like urine when used and left for some days.

The vaccine doesn't but getting infected with SARS-COV2 does..
Male reproductive damage:
"..there was a 50% decrease in the sperm volume, concentration and motility in patients with moderate disease even 30 days post diagnosis."

"Furthermore, male reproductive systems are vulnerable to infection; dramatic changes in sex hormones in patients with COVID-19 have been observed, suggesting gonadal function impairment."
"This study showed that the testosterone to luteinizing hormone (T to LH) ratio in 81 patients with COVID-19 was dramatically decreased in comparison with 100 age-matched healthy counterparts."
"the key factors that mediate SARS-CoV-2 pathogenicity are highly expressed in urogenital organs”
"The blood–testis barrier does not protect against COVID-19 and abnormal expression of sex hormones could be a result of impaired gonadal function."
"After recovery from COVID-19, young men who are interested in having children should receive a consultation regarding their fertility."

"Post-COVID-19-associated decline in long-term male fertility and embryo quality during assisted reproductive technology"

Wow what experiment in our human body. This government love to inject us with crap. Thing have change since 2005 . i remember when i had my first born until my 4 child there eyes was close until 14 days then i had to wait another week until they see shadow, in a month the saw colors. Also the. Babies poops where like seeds an we dont see this no more on babies not just babies even dog mom, cats mom an cows mom etc, since they gave us they the human new flu influenza vaccine thing have change the babies when is pop out of there's mom their eyes are opened instantly with no vaseline they can move the head up quick move in the 5 day around the crib start to walk early.
