US Catholic bishops advance communion document, setting up potential rebuke of Biden

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on Friday proceeded with a plan that would deny communion to public figures who support abortion rights, setting up a potential public rebuke of President Joe Biden.


The problem is not abortion.
The problem is an unborn life, that is most likely not wanted.
So let’s do some knowledge transfer from the pandemic.
All ladies, assume all men are positive except if they have had a (vaccination) vasectomy.
So ladies, social distancing works in keeping your test from being positive.
If you must get close, double (masks) condoms. His hers or both.
Men if you don’t want to play safe, get a (vaccination) vasectomy.
Ladies if you mess up your pills, self isolation for 14 days or period.
Remember we can save a life my not making one!!!!

About time. Either you are catholic or not. If you don’t like the religious beliefs go to a church that is more with your thinking. That simple. Like I would not join the Muslim religion and demand they eat pigs. That would be selfish of me. There is no law saying you have to believe in a certain religion. But don’t show up and demand they change to fit your thinking . Not very hard to understand. Abortion is against the religion. If you disagree, find a religion for yourself. Stop pretending to be something you are not. Geez

I’m a Catholic and I call this bs hypocrisy. These bishops should be looking at the history of the Catholic Church. Here in Canada for example, several weeks ago, the bodies of 215 children at a residential school were discovered buried on the property. That school was run by nuns and priests. Yes 215 indigenous children who were ripped from their families and forced into this school. They died and were buried on the school property and hidden like a dirty secret. So the Catholic Church can’t get high and mighty about pro life when they’ve done their fare share of murder. Then it’s okay for priests to molest children and not be excommunicated by the church. Often the molestations are covered up. They cannot point fingers when they have their own sins. They can’t deny a man his right to holy communion when he’s trying to do right by people.

1 Corinthians 11: 27-29 "Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. Each one must examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body eats and drinks judgment on himself."

Anyone who is complicit in killing an innocent human being (through abortion) is guilty of a grave sin. Anyone who is in a state of grave sin is not allowed to partake in Holy Communion without repentance and going to the sacrament of Confession. Doing so is a sacrilege against the Body of Christ. And some people are actually mad because Catholic bishops are doing their jobs? I'm scratching my head

Choice to take communion when not in the state of grace is sadly very in line to many other political lies where it is all about image and no substance. Bishops are not imposing on Joe free will to refute the Catholic church but they are protecting for the innocent who may look to their government leaders for example and fail to understand the pitfall of self will vs following the will of god. If the young believe that the president of the US can somehow defend the killing of the unborn but still receive the grace of God in communion it could lead others into that sin and separation from God. Posture all you want Sleepy, "It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble." That goes to the little hack from California Teddy Lieu too.

As a catholic I can say the church would vote for the antichrist is he was pro life. Oh wait they already did. They voted for Trump a man who cheats on his wife, has been married and divorced multiple times, uses the church and Bible as a photo op after odering the gassing and shooting rubber bullets at people, basically everything the church tells you not to be. And now they want to ostracize a man who is a devout catholic because he believes a woman has the right to make a medical decision about her own body. Pretty sure I was taught God gave us free will and our decisions are ours and we will face him in the end, not the catholic church. Pretty sure the catholic church should be ashamed of itself!! They have made poor decisions in their time. Judgement is mine so saith the lord. Not the church's! And to deny someone the sacraments is a sin in itself! Not for you to judge!!

The United States government of President Joe Biden turned its back on the young protesters who today are demanding education, employment, health, and food in Colombia. He is letting President Iván Duque Márquez, Defense Minister Álvaro Uribe Vélez and the Colombian police murder them, mutilate them and throw their bodies into the river. There is no intervention or any help to stop the genocide that has been going on since May 28, 20-21. Mr. President Joe Biden Colombia and its young people cry out to their human side to stop these actions in Colombia by the government of Iván Duque Marqués. he is a murderer. We need his Protection and immediate help from him. Today the future rulers in Colombia such as the young people who today demand rights are being assassinated by a government without any humanity. Mr. President Joe Biden, we ask for your support and help to stop the massacre in Colombia. We appeal to your human part and protect us. SOS in Colombia.

Has Joe Biden ever had an abortion? Has anyone who has had an abortion been denied communion? If God gave us free will to chose whether to sin or not, why is it so horrible for a president to support a law which allows its citizens, of many faiths, the right to chose whether to abort or not? I don't support abortion but I wont be making that choice for anybody else. Supporting choice means supporting free will. Its bad enough that Evangelicals have lost their minds over this issue now the Catholic church.... Pffft.... No wonder so many church goers have stopped going to church. They make no sense.

Do not make a mistake! People are forced to register for election using mixed oppressions of Military and the ruling Party kabnets/government officials supported by military oppressions. And every families has been forced to submit the plans equivalent to his/her family members including the children under five to vote for the government all across Oromia's rural areas. If not that family members will be considered as SHANE(the government nickname for OLA/OLF ) and murdered/tortured infront of the society . So, people will vote for PP so that they can stay alive !!! This is the bitter truth in Ethiopia's Oromia regional state!!!

Moreover, I would like to assure you that most of children above 5/6 have registered by their families and will be counted as voter without their awareness. Either the children's father or the villages representative will vote for PP by representing all the people in the village .

10ºOh please here we go! Is the Pope aware of this ? This is why I had to remove myself from the Catholic Church. Being raised Catholic is not easy. Everything I mean everything was a sin , can’t do this can’t do that u will burn in hell or be stuck in purgatory. Listen here, Religion was not created by God. or Jesus . We men created Organized Religion,who’s divided ppl nations and caused most wars. A personal relationship with God is that, personal. I hv not had comunión at a Catholic church because they do not recognize my marriage, i was married at the Methodist Church my husband went to as a kid. The new Pope may get involved on this ridiculous issue. God help us all !!
