Major US mall owner files for bankruptcy

A major mall owner of more than 100 locations across the United States has filed for bankruptcy, citing pandemic-related shutdowns.


Lockdowns will be remembered like medieval bloodletting. 99.98% of people don’t even show symptoms with covid but they still get immunity by dint of having it, so why play Russian roulette with an experimental vaccine when most people will automatically get immunity, especially with so many time tested alternatives?

The pcr tests give mostly false positives as they simply pick up vital debris. Their inventor specially said don’t use them for corona before his untimely death.

It’s safe to pack everyone into Walmart and other big box stores, but you have to close down? No such thing as ‘nonessential.’ It’s an authoritarian tactic akin to what happened in the USSR. All jobs are essential.

And the all-merciful Bill Gates won’t give up the patents for what’s in the vaccines to “help the third world—even though you had to LOSE YOUR BUSINESS and freedom for “the greater good.” He doesn’t have to give up his profits, just you. They are coincidence theorists. If you die 24 hours after vaccination it’s a coincidence but if you got hit with a car it was covid!

Lockdowns have caused people around the globe to become more desperate. In places where food is a large percentage of disposable I income it’s a serious issue to make an understatement. The lockdown will threaten more people globally by putting 132 million more people on the verge of hunger, and not the benign hunger of missing a meal like in the west. Actually 1 in 3 New Yorkers will forego a meal due to covid.

Cases don’t even count unless there are symptoms.

The states with the strictest lockdowns have the worst results. There is zero science behind the idea of curfews, shifting businesses etc. just envious politicians playing with Fire. Beware.


Countries that demanded masks had higher rates of covid. Go figure.


No Lockdown, No Contest
Current Death Rate Per Million: Sweden (blue) Versus US (yellow). Sweden is much better off:


Death rate average in France

Not much change over the last decade


What Hospital Overflow? ICU Occupancy In US Is Below 5-Year Average In All Regions


A year + of this pandemic can definitely be blamed for a lot of things, I don’t think the decline of shopping malls can be one of them. Malls have been struggling all over the country long before the pandemic

6 months into the pandemic I said that on the backside of this that we were going to see things change and I believe we’re starting to seem that change happening.

For starters, more than ever are people shopping online. And I don’t want to hear how shopping online is killing brick-n-mortar stores, long before the internet there were catalogs. Many people shopped via a catalog and there are those that still do….

Brick-n-mortar stores have been increasing their online presence for sometime now, it’s called adapting with the times.

Finally but far from the least, many of learned over the last year and a half just how important family is. By that I mean, many have either learned or have been reminded of the need to be prepared for whatever curveball lives throws at them.

I’m old enough to remember when family time was important. When stores weren’t open to all hours of the night. And we’ve become a country that just throws things out and goes out buys, buys and buys more stuff.

Again, I think what we’re all witnessing is business (big and small) re-evaluating their business strategies. By that I mean, I’m sure businesses (big and small) have learned a lot during this year + of the pandemic and I think a period of time for re-evaluating their business strategies is to be expected……
