CDC study finds coronavirus vaccines lead to milder disease in rare breakthrough infections

Fully vaccinated people are more than 90% protected against infection, a new CDC study shows. But if they do become infected, experts say they have milder Covid-19 illness than unvaccinated people.


What effing infection? I live in Tanzania and I dare say that the last time I wore a mask was may last year. At the very beginning of this plandemic. Not a single soul that I know of wears a mask here. And I don't know a single soul who's died of this so called pandemic. We aught be dead a year on, right? May be covid 19 is real in Europe and the states. But definitely not here in east Africa. Further more, in countries like Kenya, my birth country, the politician has enriched himself with these hand outs from WHO, world bank and wherever else. I say bull crap!

And death
The jabs have killed many healthy folks

If I knew what I know now, I would NOT have chosen vaccination with the current vaccines for myself or my family.

If I was at risk for COVID, I would prophylax with ivermectin.

If I got COVID in the meantime, I would treat immediately with a 4 drug combo of
fluvoxamine (50mg BIDx14d), ivermectin (12mg x 7d), simvastatin (….),
and maraviroc (…) .

This is ^^ what Dr. Bruce Patterson recommends to his patients
was developed from what has worked to cure long-haul COVID cases.

If started within 48 hours of first symptoms, this protocol should be extremely effective because each drug targets a different mechanism of harm.

Disney, CBS, AT&T, News Corporation, Comcast NBC Universal, Viacom: All control everything you see. They funnel money (Lobbyists) to our career politicians in order to have their legislation passed. There is no such thing as Republicans or Democrats. There are all one of the same. These 6 corporations keep The People divided in order to keep us distracted. They are the creators of the narrative. They create the story lines then tell us how we should respond to them. It’s like we are their zoo animals. Please stop buying into their tactics of creating division.

1. We need to demand term limits
2. No corporate lobbyists allowed in the White House
3. Drug test all politicians
4. Break up these 6 media giants and hold them accountable to only the truth.

What about those that have died from it? What about those that are suffering some very disturbing after affects for months and still are? What about those, like the CEO of the Texas Roadhouse that committed suicide because he couldn't deal with the side affects anymore? How about spewing some real facts that truly matter instead of your continued quest to divide our country?? Those of you that have gotten the shot. Good for you. Those that have not, good for you too! Those that have not got the unproven shots are not CRIMINALS. The REAL CRIMINALS are being allowed to be criminals at the expense of the majority of law and order loving AMERICANS. Now what's the root cause CNN? Report on real facts that truly matter and not your anti AMERICAN agenda along with the DEMOCRATS.

Which means the vaccine works. Even if you do get infected YOU WILL NOT DIE or suffer any serious complications compared to being unvaccinated. At this point most Americans including me have run of out sympathy for those in the hospital or who die from COVID. Nearly ALL of those in the hospital are unvaccinated so they brought this upon themselves. It's their own fault for catching the virus and being in the hospital or dying. This could have been avoided if they just gotten the vaccine. Hell my grandmother got COVID and died in late December. The vaccine wasn't widely available yet to seniors so she couldn't get it. At least there was an excuse back then. Not now. So get vaccinated so you don't get COVID or at least lower the chances significantly from getting it.

Stop lying to people ! The vaccines protect against nothing but is and ID and tracking system using dangerous chemical mix that cause death and injure side effects ! Plus a chemical with a satanic name ! With high chance of brain damage neurological damage heart and other major organ damage and need to replace also narcolepsy poisoning flesh turning black and falling off and a need to cut off the affected lambs like hands and feet ! These vaccines have killed like never before and injured millions and they are still pushing and forcing this poison on children and people that don't want it ! So they can mark them on a DNA level as property ! They are do force vaccination of people that can't consent which is the same as rape ! And the judicial system looks the other way ! Because its political ! And narrative ! Those rich and powerful enough are protecting them selves and children from getting these toxic vaccines ! That are an abomination and an extinction level event genocide on humanity ! As governments try to use the vaccines to control life expectancy and reproductive abilities of native and black population dark skinned people's and the poor ! Its a CULL ! ️️️

by Phyllis Tisdale
According to ZAERS, the government agency that doctors report vaccine deaths and vaccine adverse effects to, over 4,200 people have died from the vaccine and there have been 157,000 adverse reactions. According to a 2016 study done by Harvard University only one to ten percent of doctors fill out the reports for VAERS as it takes a long time to do so. So multiply 4,200 x 90 which equals 378,000 possible deaths. 4,200 deaths is more than all of the vaccine deaths over the past twenty years combined. And that includes 70 different vaccines. This experimental, non studied, non FDA approved, non vaccine, therapeutic only, has killed over 4,200 people and injured over 157,000 in just four short months. They call it a vaccine but say we can still get Covid and still spread Covid after taking this non vaccine. How is that a vaccine? It is not a vaccine. It is a therapeutic which means we may not get as sick if we get Covid. And it has never been tried on humans before. They want us to all be part of the experiment. The studies will be done on us Americans who chose to participant by getting this so called vaccine and the studies will be released in 2025. I can't believe how many people are rushing out to inject this God knows what into their body. I know a woman who just got it and got very sick. Now she has the shakes. They gave her medicine to help with the shakes and now her doctor is sending her to a neurologist. She was perfectly healthy until she got the who knows what injected into her?

Peer reviewed research from The Lancet shows that the experimental vaccines reduce your chances of catching COVID-19 by:
Pzifer - 0.8%
Johnson & Johnson - 1.2%
Moderna - 1.2%
AstraZeneca - 1.3%
“The absolute risk reduction (ARR), which is the difference between attack rates with and without a vaccine, considers the whole population. ARR’s tend to be ignored because they give a much less impressive effect size than RRRS: 1.3% for the AstraZeneca-Oxford, 1.2% for the Moderna-NIH, 1.2% for the Johnson & Johnson, 0.93% for the Gamaleya, and 0.84% Pzifer-Bio-NTech vaccine.” In other words, at the very best, protection is nil.

500 mil mortos... não adiantou usar remédios patenteados e caríssimos?????
Não! Não estou citando a cloroquina e a hidroxicloroquina não... esses não tem patente e por isso baratinhos.
Estou citando o remdesivir da indústria farmacêutica americana Gilead... do qual a OMS reprovou.
Mas aqui está sendo usado no combate ao coronavirus.
Outros 03 remédios, da mega empresa Roche... tocilizumabe, casirivimabe e Emdevimabe.... caríssimos que estão sendo usados no combate ao coronavirus.... mas chegamos a 500 mil mortos.
Esses três remédios patenteados e caríssimos da Roche, combatem doenças autoimunes como o câncer, artrite reumatoide e lúpus.
Já o remédio baratinho, hidroxicloroquina, combate tbm doenças autoimunes como a artrite reumatoide e lúpus... mas esse mata não é?
Então vamos nos agarrar as vacinas ok... massssss, veja esse fato que está ocorrendo nos EUA e Israel.
Essa REDE Globo noticiou isso no jornal Nacional?

As of June 14, 2021, more than 144 million people in the United States had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

During the same time, CDC received reports from 47 U.S. states and territories of 3,729 patients with COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infection who were hospitalized or died.

Total number of vaccine breakthrough infections reported to CDC
Hospitalized or fatal vaccine breakthrough cases reported to CDC 3,729
Female 1,830 (49%)
People aged ≥65 years 2,856 (77%)
Asymptomatic infections 683 (18%)
Hospitalizations* 3,538 (95%)
Deaths† 671 (18%)
*916 (26%) of 3,538 hospitalizations reported as asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19.
†122 (18%) of 671 fatal cases reported as asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19.
