Concerns rising inside White House over surge in violent crime

A nationwide surge in violent crime has emerged as a growing area of concern inside The White House


I have no dog in the political fight however I cannot believe that they aren’t really that interested in stopping violent crime… have you seen Chicago lately? Have you seen New York City lately? And many other places that are filled with violence/Mayham.. I do not see one thing being done about these heinous crimes and in some cases many many children being shot and killed.. most of this is happening because the punks and thugs on the streets feel entitled now that Trump is gone .. The politicians in every major democratic city have been zero help as a matter fact they encourage release of violent criminals… crime has risen over 75% since this regime has taken place in the White House.. Again I stress I have no dog in this political fight however crime was nowhere near this when Trump was president

Let’s see...Democrats push closing down the whole Unites States, then push to Defund the Police...protest turns into rioting, rioting turns into looting, then public violence snd destruction, let’s burn local businesses and then killing people in various Democratic states, then a election with COVID mail-in that 50% of Americans feel there is some form of cheating, people out of work, and these current “political science” COVID BS that holding people back and making non-believers with this circus of government that playing it out and wanting to stay in control under COVID. No faith in our government or leadership in Washington that HAS this agenda trying build faith on Unity. Bi-polar government.

The Capital still has fence around, we’re under COVID AND this bunch in Washington pass bills and laws that unconstitutional with . Drain the scum from the swamp in Washington.

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