Airline groups want the Justice Department to punish unruly passengers

A coalition of airline trade and labor groups on Monday wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FAA Administrator Steve Dickson asking that the Justice Department handle the most heinous cases of unruly passengers.


Working in the airline industry for over 25yrs……SOME, not all passengers are lunatics!! I’ve seen so much over the years from parents allowing children to color in the walls and tray tables to intentionally breaking seat back to smuggling drugs and alcohol and my personal ‘favorites’ people leaving needles in seat back pockets!! And then you have the ‘hoochie mamma’ boarding a flight when instead should be in a corner, mile high attempts (condoms stuffed in seat back pockets or left in the floor, there are those who have explosive diarrhea, vomit in seat back pockets, urinating-at least say you made bodily mess so it can be addressed! And they there are those famous last words ‘the plane is so small-drive then!! Or your bag is to big for the overhead bin but you insist it will fit and you end up breaking the door-now you have a fit when we have to put your bag in cargo!! And there the ones who fight, argue, accuse, etc.
FLYING IS PRIVILEGE!! You do NOT own the right to destroy a companies property or make a fool of yourself. We do need backing from the FAA or Justice apt, enough is enough!!

And BTW, stop throwing stuff down the toilet and stop vaping in the bathrooms! Behave like decent human beings fir the short time you have in a plane, this world does not revolve around you.
